? about a new outboard


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Jul 3, 2003
Looking to maybe moving up to something diffrent from a K&B since the parts you realy need (piston & sleeve) you can't get. I like my K&B and since I got 6 months under my belt at this I would like to move on to something a little stronger. How are the new mac 21 outboards it looks like a real solid motor but I haven't heard anything on there performance or price or is the Rossi the way to go. The NR is probably out of the buget. The wife thing it is kind of to justify to cost when she calls it a toy.

The Mac is a good engine but takes a while to figure out what it wants. I think 339.00 Tim has the Rossi for 279.00 which seems to be a good deal and the OS RG with header pipe 315.00 The CMB is in the same price range. Unless you have a tuned pipe you are looking at 400-450 for a complete powerhead and pipe setup.

There were Rossi goldhead OBs on Ebay recently for $200 NIB. Guy selling is supposed to be Rossi America??? Probably has some available.

I would like to go to a NR but can't justify the cost to the wife - but she let me buy a Rossi. ;D

GT 8)
I went thru the same dilema this past winter. Racing was getting close and the MAC wasn't ready yet. I also worried about how the first run MACs would perform. I went the Novarossi route from Tim. Yes, it was very expensive. Yes, Its hard to justify that to the CFO (wife) The plus side is it has been very solid performance. I'd lay out the cash again in a heartbeat!

Good Luck!

Ed Radz
I would go with the OS from Tim at PB, I think back a few months ago JD did a test on it and he was very happy with it. I think he said it was about the same power as the mac powerhead.

IF you do go with CMB, Have Tim at PB do the rod bushings to it. will save a headach later on.

I am running a CMB with the silver bullet pipe. I am very happy with it. I went from K&B to that, and I like it, cant really say about the others.
