94' Budweiser Pics Needed


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Oct 20, 2007

I am new to this forum, and am looking for any and all pictures of a 94' Budweiser, both scale and real.

I am in the process of building a 94' Bud boat, and need any pictures I can get a hold of. I am especially looking for close ups of the cockpit area. I purchased my hull from Troy McIntyre back in 2003, and got it in 2005.

If anyone has any pictures, tips, or help, I would really appreciate it!


[email protected]
I am new to this forum, and am looking for any and all pictures of a 94' Budweiser, both scale and real.

I am in the process of building a 94' Bud boat, and need any pictures I can get a hold of. I am especially looking for close ups of the cockpit area. I purchased my hull from Troy McIntyre back in 2003, and got it in 2005.

If anyone has any pictures, tips, or help, I would really appreciate it!


[email protected] Re you talking t-4 twin wing if so i have som pics
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I am new to this forum, and am looking for any and all pictures of a 94' Budweiser, both scale and real.

I am in the process of building a 94' Bud boat, and need any pictures I can get a hold of. I am especially looking for close ups of the cockpit area. I purchased my hull from Troy McIntyre back in 2003, and got it in 2005.

If anyone has any pictures, tips, or help, I would really appreciate it!


[email protected]
Hi Adam, welcome aboard!! Which Bud hull are you working with, full deck or tri-wing? B)
don it is the full deck.troy never made the tri-wing bud.i asked troy couple years ago.when i ordered the deeby dodge hull.
Troy's mold best makes the Budweiser T-2. The T3 has a slightly wider/deeper (front to back) canard than the T2. If you want to make the T3 you need to add about 1/4" to the depth of it from what comes out of the mold.

The mold was made from my first T2, which I believe Rich Jones might still have. It was made from the first set of sponson canoes that came from Ron Jones, Jr. who made the canoes for the real boat. I ran it in the Gold configuration.

The T2 only ran in the red paint scheme at one race, San Diego in 1994. That means you also need to add the salt water scoop to the boat. Either modification is fairly easy, if it was me, I think I would make the modification to make the boat the T3. I never liked the look of the Salt Water scoop.

Let me know which boat you decide on and I can either post or send you some pictures.

I have a myriad of pictures I can send you. Email me at [email protected]
A few pics of the T2


Side of cockpit and dash

Nose of boat

Side view of nose

Rear of left canoe

Inside tiplett

Main deck inside sponson

Outside canoe from rear



Canopy off boat

And this one is the T3

Hey Harry is that your boat in the pic on the RCU main page?
Yes, I finally convinced them to put a Bud back on the opening page. Not sure how long it will stay, I guess it depends on how nice I am to Jeff Stubbers for a while.
Hey Harry is that your boat in the pic on the RCU main page?
Yes, I finally convinced them to put a Bud back on the opening page. Not sure how long it will stay, I guess it depends on how nice I am to Jeff Stubbers for a while.

Thanks for all the great pics!! I have been away from the forum for a couple of weeks due to a death in my family. My hull is actually with Dick Caspari now, getting painted and some hardware installed. Dick has had it for about 3 years now, so I have no idea when to expect it. His health has no been good lately. I am planning on making the T3 boat. Harry, your boat was my inspiration back in 2002-2003 to build my own. It has been a very very long process, but I cant wait ti get it done!

Any more pics of your boat you care to post, or send to me, I would love to see. Thanks again!
Sorry to hear about the death in your family. Dick makes a good boats , he did my 7-11 back in 1999 , Dick is also very helpful.It will be Worth the wait.

Sorry to hear about the death in your family. Dick makes a good boats , he did my 7-11 back in 1999 , Dick is also very helpful.It will be Worth the wait.Tom
Thanks for that! I sure am anxious to get my boat back so I can finish it off. It has certainly been a loooong wait. How was his paint work? As much as I want my boat to perform, I want it to have a nice finich. I love the details like the mirrors and small fins on top of the canopy. What are those small fins for by the way?

Harry....I have never seen a close up of your cockpit on your boat. Do you have a scale driver inside, or did you just tind the clear windshield?

Thanks again for all the help you guys are providing!
Sorry to hear about the death in your family. Dick makes a good boats , he did my 7-11 back in 1999 , Dick is also very helpful.It will be Worth the wait.Tom
Thanks for that! I sure am anxious to get my boat back so I can finish it off. It has certainly been a loooong wait. How was his paint work? As much as I want my boat to perform, I want it to have a nice finich. I love the details like the mirrors and small fins on top of the canopy. What are those small fins for by the way?

Harry....I have never seen a close up of your cockpit on your boat. Do you have a scale driver inside, or did you just tind the clear windshield?

Thanks again for all the help you guys are providing!
No, in our club you need to have the driver in the boat. Mine is a little beat up as he bailed a time or two this year. I will post a pic of him inside and outside of the boat this weekend.
...I love the details like the mirrors and small fins on top of the canopy. What are those small fins for by the way?

The small white "fins" on top of the canopy & cowl are antenna for the driver to communicate to the guys in the pits.... for the big boat anyway. Since they were on the big boat, we put them on our scales as well.

Good luck with your project! 1/8th scale hydroplanes are great fun!
Thanks again! I am looking forward to the pictures of your boat. I have told Dick Caspari a few times that Harry's boat was my inspiration. I have been tempted to just tell Dick to ship my hull back to me, and I would try to paint it myself, but I dont know how that would work out... I have never painted one before.

I e-mailed you last week, to see if you could send me some pictures of your boat. I never heard back from you, so I was thinking maybe you didnt get the e-mail. If you get a chance I would really appreciate seeing more pictures of your boat.

If anyone else has any pictures, real or scale, of the 94' Budweiser boat, I woudl really appreciate you posting them!


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