82 Executone Telephone paint scheme question


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Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2003
I am finishing up a sport 40 and would like to make it a "sort of" 82 Executone. I am not looking to win any concours contest. Just a paint scheme that resembles the U-8. I need help on a few questions:

1. Is there any standard Klasskote color that match the three different shades of blue?

2. What is the angle of the two tone blue at the tip of the sponson? I cannot really judge from the photos of the full size boat.

3. What is the right size of the medium and light blue stripes that run from the tip of the sponsons along the non trip to the transom? Would 3/8" be able right for a sport 40?


You might be best served by ordering a color sheet from David Newton. Most of the questions you asked would be answered by just scaling the sheet down to match the size of your boat
I believe it's Gale 54. I suggested getting a color sheet due to the simple reason that, if you get a copy reduced down to the size of the boat, you can measure directly off the sheet and know it's going to be very close to what's needed

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