78 U-4 Mark and Pak History ?


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Andy Greene

Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2006
Can anyone share any history or pics of this boat ?
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Hi Andy! What I have on this hull goes something like this:

It was built in '77 by Don Sooy for Bob Murphy (Burien, Wa) and was driven by Bob Maschmedt. It ran a blown Chevy engine & was painted Navy blue & Gold. It failed to start at the Tri-Cities Gold Cup and did not qualify in Seattle. It started out as the U-4 No Name but picked up sponsor money as Miss Tri-Cities and Charlies Girl. In '78 it was painted blue & white and only ran at Tri-Cities. As Miss Tri-Cities/ Mark & Pak, it was driven by Neal Yapachino and, again, DNQ. In '79 it was painted brown and gold, sponsored by Century 21 and driven by Norm Evans. It showed up at Tri-Cities & Seattle - DNQ at either venue. In 1980 the boat was owned by Rich Bowles (Chelan, Wa) and driven at Tri-Cities & Seattle by a young Mitch Evans. Seattle sponsorship was from local radio KWWW - I believe there was a "KW3" on the deck. DNQ at either site. In '81 the boat got a new U-21 designation and was re-powered with an Allison. It appeared at the Columbia Cup, Seattle's Gold Cup and at San Diego. DNQ, DNQ, and DNQ! In '82 the sponsons and the bottom were rebuilt and she ran as Machine Rock Band. Still DNQ. In '83 the top deck was rebuilt, a rear wing (like the one on the '79 Circus) was added and the boat was painted yellow. With sponsorship by Island Security Systems, the boat failed to qualify at Tri-Cities but finally, at long last, she was able to qualify at Seattle's Seafair Race and also, as Bellaire Yellow Pages, at Clear Lake, Texas. Unfortunately, she was unable to finish either race. In '84 the U-21 ran at Evansville (DNQ), Madison (DNQ), Detroit (DNQ), Tri-Cities Gold Cup (DNQ) and Seattle Seafair (DNQ). She was invited to run in the Seafair Consolation Race and DNF.

That was about the end of the road for the 7704. She showed up later as a display boat for Mr. Pringles and there is a story going around that Mitch Evans cut it up with a chainsaw and burned it for firewood at his boat shop in Chelan, Wa. I guess you'd have to ask him about that!
Thanks for the reply Larry, lots of great info there I had no idea about. Sounds like Mitch had enough of that bad penny :eek:

Thanks for the reply Larry, lots of great info there I had no idea about. Sounds like Mitch had enough of that bad penny :eek:

Anytime Andy! I just love lookin' this stuff up. I'm not sure how many pics you'll find - not too many shutterbugs following that one around! :lol: There are a few shots on newtonmarine.com. Click on plans & ck pgs 27 & 28, Plan # 128. Maybe contact David & see what else he's got.Larry

If Bob hasen't already offered,,,, he has about the best library of U-4/U21 pics of anyone I know

I have some,,, But Bob is better at retrieving them and getting them sent
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If Bob hasen't already offered,,,, he has about the best library of U-4/U21 pics of anyone I know

I have some,,, But Bob is better at retrieving them and getting them sent
I would love to get a few more Rick, this is the only one I have, same as the Newton shot.

Whats the story on the "bushwackers" logo on the boat, and with all the flags ?

Thanks again guys .


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Roger Newton gave me some pics of it that were printed on paper. Unfortunately they don't scan well. Lemme see if I have any others...