67 Roadrunner


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They sure can run with anything out there. Boat set up is everything.

Testing your: motor,pipes, and propellers should get you very close.

We have found that a little looser front sponson setting to be the way to

go with most of our boats. 4.1 degrees on the left and 4.3 degrees on the

right seems to work very well for our boats. Refine the turnfin and push

the sponsons out 2" more than stock and you should be running quite well

out of the pits. H-32's should get you there once you get your motor burning

all the Nitro. You may want to play with the ride height of the tub a little bit

and possibly run a touch wider rudder blade. Hope this helps you to get in

the race with your boat.

Have Fun Testing,

Mark Sholund
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Thanks Mark, I am on Ralph's list for a boat to be built. Is there anything I should ask him to do? Also when you say widen the front stance by 2" do you mean overall or 2" on each side.Are you familiar with Randy Sampson's/ Propworks props? He did a 1662 for me that was awesome .


Randy did some beautiful work. A 1662 should work well also.

The 2" is from the tub out to the inside of the sponson. We tried it

on a few boats recently and it made them much better in rough water.

(2" on each side) I would go with the G-10 sponsons and ask Ralph

about the tub height getting increased a little more.

Thanks For Reading,

Mark Sholund
Thanks again Mark , I think Ralph is already increasing the tub for more fuel capacity. Also if your interested I could send you the numbers from Randys props for the 1662 and 1655. They both seem to make about a 5-7 mph improvement.
Set the boat up exactly as Ralph suggest and you will be more than happy.

Tim K
Can a 67 Extreme Roadrunner be improved enough to run with a Crapshooter or SGX?

The question you need to ask is can I purchase the same motor packages that are in the other boats???

The current 2011 Road Runner 67 boat is more that capable of running with ANY boat in its class. The motor/pipe/prop have proven to be the difference. Not all the fininsh work in each individual crapshooter or SGX that you see running is created Equal