45 sport class


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stan simpson iv

Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2011
I am in the process of building a boat for the 2016 season...who do I need to approve of my home built sportsman boat(45). It is within the rules of IMPBA and NAMBA. I have been wanting to build one for a"LONG" time. We use to race one (Phil's)yrs ago and was a lot of fun,now I want to build one myself. I think it is Joe W. Thx ahead...
Maybe Don F? He's the new Hydro Tech.

Sport 40 is my favorite class.
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I am in the process of building a boat for the 2016 season...who do I need to approve of my home built sportsman boat(45). It is within the rules of IMPBA and NAMBA. I have been wanting to build one for a"LONG" time. We use to race one (Phil's)yrs ago and was a lot of fun,now I want to build one myself. I think it is Joe W. Thx ahead...
I look forward to seeing this one.... I'm sure it will be fast!!!!!!
If you build your own boat and it fits all the rules on hull type do you still need to have it approved? Or is it only if somebody protest what your running? My thought are run it if its legal and if someone says other wise then CD has the power to say yes or no. Am I wrong on this?
If anyone would take the time to look into the IMPBA Rule Book you will see from what is written there and from the illustrations pictured what you can and can't do with your boat design. Why can't anyone look things up in the Rule Book anymore? Someone comes on here with a question ( that they could have easily found the answer to in the Rule Book ) and five people post five different answers that they thought was what was in the Rule Book.

Take some time and read through the Rule Book. You will be surprised as to what you will find in there..................

Dick Tyndall


Just to be on the safe side Stan, you might want to run some pics and a few measurements by the new Hydro Tech to see what he says.
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If anyone would take the time to look into the IMPBA Rule Book you will see from what is written there and from the illustrations pictured what you can and can't do with your boat design. Why can't anyone look things up in the Rule Book anymore? Someone comes on here with a question ( that they could have easily found the answer to in the Rule Book ) and five people post five different answers that they thought was what was in the Rule Book.

Take some time and read through the Rule Book. You will be surprised as to what you will find in there..................

Dick Tyndall


Just to be on the safe side Stan, you might want to run some pics and a few measurements by the new Hydro Tech to see what he says.
Thank you...

Dick is right on with this. The new rules are pretty clear on what you can do with your design. On my latest scratch built sport 40, I did not submit anything. I just followed the guidelines in the rule book. I did have one concern about the front canard wing that I was going to run and how that would apply to the 25% rule. I posted on here and talked with Joe Wiebelhaus about it and got it cleared. The wing did not work, but that is another story.

In other words, if there is something that you are doing that is not clearly defined in the rule book, ask the hydro tech or IMPBA board for clarification before spending time building something that will start any controversy.

Good luck with your new build.
Hello Stan. Years and years ago I went through this with a sport 40 I was running in Jax where you and I used to race together. Here is how it worked out for me - when the boat was in its early "working the bugs out" phase, no one lifted an eyebrow. As soon as I started winning races the protests came quickly ;-)

Just like Eric said.I would send a picture to Don and have him to look it over.

Just check the rule book...there are several rules pertaining to the sport classes...ie: transom width, picklefork length, overal length, number, and so on...it's not too hard.

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