45 crapshooter pulling right


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nitro junky

Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2003
I have a 45 crapshooter that pulls really hard to the right. I have to put alot of left rudder in it to make it go straight . I have tried every thing I know to try and fix the problem. Ant suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Nitro junky,


-Very sharp props.

-Twist or shim the strut a little bit to the left.

-Reducing the sponson angle a bit on the right hand front sponson.

-Sharpen the turn-fin with a bevel on the right hand side only.

-Toe-in on the right hand front sponson.

-A good sized rudder.

nitro junky

most riggers pull because the turnfin is not in the correct position (front to back). try moving it back about an 1/8" to start. get it about 7/8" infront of the CG. if you reduce the rt. sponson angle you would create MORE drag on the sponson. you want more angle of attack. as for shimming the strut or toeing in the sponson the straighter you can keep things the less speed you scrub. you do need sharp props but in my experience that is not usually the case. another thing if you angle the rt. sponsons to much it will cause the boat to stuff when you need to correct with left. this has been my findings testing my warlok 21. which is a scaled down shooter. hope this helps.

I have been running a crapshooter for several yrs now, one thing to do is make sure the turnfin is not bent under the sponson. if you look at it from the back of the sponson, if the fin is curled under the sponson that will affect things dramaticly.

also, stu reccommends some toe in on the right front. i believe 1/8 but i may not be right on that. but start at a 1/16 and go from there.

hope i helped

You might also look at the "attack" angle of the turn fin. Stu puts a scribe mark one the inside so you can "site" it parallel to the imaginary water surface line when the hull is in running attitude. If that line points down rear to front it will suck down the right sponson and cause it to pull to the right very hard. Takes a little playing to get it perfect, but the correct angle in that regard will help considerably. My shooter does 80mph when it's right and at that speed the turnfin angle of attack is rather critical. Hope this helps. Rich
Hey Jon Or anyone

I just checked the turn fin distance from the CG and its 1/4 in. So do you think this is the problem.
Nitro Junky,

I personnally dont think that moving the turn fin forwards or backwards makes in difference in wheter they pull or not. I suspect Jon says what he says because either his servo is not adequet or his linkage is not adequet. The reason I say this is because when you move the turn fin forward it causes the boat to turn sharper with the same amount of rudder input which makes servos center even more impartant and linkage more important. Another way of saying this would be by moving the turn fin back you are band aiding the real problem. For the 45 and 67 Crapshooters the airtroncs 94358 servo is the only servo that I would recommend. I know that they are expensive and not digital but they work and center very very well ( I've tried others with no success also use 6 volts). Also so far as linkage is concerned you sgould have a straight shot requiring no bends from servo to rudder.

Chris Wood and Rich zimmerman have both said things that could be the cause of the problems. I thought Rich was a little hard to undersatnd though. The Scribe line should be parrallel to tub bottom. I would check the turn fin for straigtness as Chris recommends and the scribe line as Rich recomneds and then rudder servo and linkage in that order.

Also worth mentioning is when Crapshooters are running there best you will have to have about 2 degrees of left rudder to go straight.

Other possible causes are numerous and with my slow typing it would take hours to write in depth about but I will take the time to mention.

I have had the best success with left sponson straight and right sponson(turn fin side) with 1/32" of tow. The following could be a list of possible causes.

Sponson aluminum insert bent.

Rudder bracket bent or rudder bracket not parrallel with tub side.

Holes in tub for front boom tube not tight.

Rudder slightly bent.

and the one that took me for ever to figure out rudder bushings worn out.

If you need to know how to check any of the above let me know and i will go into more detail. Be sure to use very straight edge to check for rudder and turn fins being bent (a little here can go a long way).


Allen Waddle

Bye the way Jon this was nothing against you or your boats. Listen to what I am telling you and what I have told you in the past (even Hitec digital and other manufactures servos dont center worth a crap) and you will go faster by turning faster.

my boats actually speed up in the corners. as for moving the turnfin forward or backward was told to me along time ago by marty. i had the same problem with another 21 boat. as for a different servo-- i tried a futaba with 4-40 linkage with the same result. it could just be the characteristics of my boats. chris and i worked with his boat the same way(moving the turnfin).

just some thoughts


ps allen mail me your number

[email protected]
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I run mine with a 9304 (70 oz in torque) with no problem. What prop are you running?

As far as digital goes.................never again. You know how they take a second or two to activate when turned on. Well if they get a power glitch the same thing happens. And at 85+ mph it goes into the bank.
Can you pull a 1657? Not that the prop is the answer to your problem. Take a yard stick (or something long and straight, the longer the better it will indicate) and hold it against your turn fin and check to see if it is straight with the tub or just a little toed in. Check the turn fin itself and make sure its surfaces are flat. Make sure it isn't twisted also as a twist has flat surfaces to a certain extent and it can be misleading. You can make the left sponson run with less attack angle, however I don't with mine. Look at your boom tubes head on. They should be parallel with each other. If not, you have a bent sponson tube. Have you measured the attack angle to see if the sponsons are the same? You can put your yard stick on the strut as well to see what its doing. The rudder length is also important. If not enough rudder in the water the boat will go where it wants.
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Preston. I havent tried a 1657. I am running a MAC 45. My Picco bit the dust and cant get parts for it. I will check all that you mentioned. Thanks for all your help!

My son Bryans 45 Crapshooter was doing the same thing, changing the rudder bushing last season helped a lot, but there is still a need for some rudder deflection.. Tony J

i got the best advise CALL THE MANUFACTURER stu barr

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