3.5 engine questions


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Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2006
Guys ,

I have an ops 21 marine engine with side exhaust that i was thinking about putting in a P/T sport 20 that I am buying.

It has the slide carb and will take some re-enginering to make that work around the header etc... so it has a couple strikes against it for this project.

I have a chance to buy a K&B .21 inboard with a rotary carb which would in my opinion make an easier/better installation and a rear exhaust which would also work out better for the installation since the boat i am buying has the turbine cowl...

I was wondering what you people can tell me about parts availability for the 3.5 k&b's and are they a good reliable engine. I do not know what color carb they have on them.

I can also buy a 3.5 CMB vavola(spelling) with header but is 3 times the price of the 3.5 k&B's

What are your opinions please.

Haven't run the Valvola yet, But everything else CMB puts out will kick the pants off of your other two choices!

I have heard from a couple of reliable sources, the Valvola is THE new hot rod, I am trying to get the cash together myself, I want to put a new 20 MONO together, with a Valvola. My second choice will be the RS 21.

As much as I hate to say it technology, has passed K&B and OPS by.

Good luck in your build, what ever you dicide, hey it's a model boat, and there all fun!

Rick Bellinger
Dean Werges and Lynn Cooper both have cmb 21 valvoa motors and they both haul the mail, A kand b or ops side exhaust wont hold a candle to them. My two cents. Which ever you use, you have a good hull to use it with and it will be alot of fun. Ken