21 Rigger weight


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Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2003
What is considered light for a 21 rigger. I have one that ways 3lbs 13oz. less fuel. I am totaly happy with it, handles great and is fast. The reason I am asking is the sister boat is available and only weighs 3lbs 5 3/4oz. The diference being mine is the old style in the rear, sponsons on the side and the sister is the new style with the sponsons on the bottom. There are a couple of pics of the boat in Mike Byer`s 21 rigger for sale. Sorry again Mike. I am totaly happy with my rigger but am wondering if I could expect 7 oz and the new style rear to that big of difference in speed?
"I have one that ways 3lbs 13oz. less fuel. I am totaly happy with it, handles great and is fast."

You sort of answered your own question. If your that happy with it, go with what you know! That few extra ozs. can be the difference between finishing & waiting for the retreive boat to bring it back in those too often seen "less than ideal" water conditons. Between 3 1/2 & 4lbs seems to be the ticket for a .21 hydro heat race weight from what I've experienced. B)
My new one is 3.3 less fuel. Prolly too light but it's easier to add it than to remove it!
So what is the thought behind sponsons on the bottom? Is this just todays trend or do they have serious advantages over the old style.
Yes, like the eagles. I mean I know they are proven to work, I have seen that myself. What I am wondering is are they the only way to go these days. Here is what I am thinking. Yeah I love the rigger I have now. But if I have the chance to pic up one fairly cheap and I know the quality of the boat is immaculate and it has all the new stuff then I should do it. So what I am asking is the Eagle style the way to go or in you guys who know is the old syle still a viable boat.
Oh Boy - Kind of afraid to answer this one - can be a touchy subject!

Me personally - I like 'em B)
I've seen just as many Sg's not finish a heat....and, I've built riggers both ways. It seems to be six of one, half a dozen of the other. One advantage of the "external" rear sponsons is their adjustability after the fact. Don't get me wrong, the Brown Brothers build good boats, but I don't think you're question has a right or wrong answer. BTW, you still gotta be able to drive to finish, so the boat's only half the story.

My take is the best driver with a mediocre boat would end up in the same position as a fast boat with a mediocre driver. Quote from Yogi,LOL! No really I am at the age where some days I am on it and some days I am out there in lane 20. Oh if only my Outlaw kid would shape up, he can drive the paint off the buoys.
Is there a method you guys use to keep the weight down on the boat in regards to the paint? Thin/less coats, and thinned epoxy as sealer? My Jag 2 .21 weighs 4 1/2 lbs., was painted by a auto body guy that was probably more concerned with making it pretty than keeping the weight down. What ratio of epoxy to alcohol would make a strong, light seal on the boat. I heard heavy paint can add a lb. to your boat. On the outer sponsons vs. the under sponsons, maybe the outer sponson design corners better but slower in the straights, while the under sponsons are faster in the straights but have more cornering problems??