21 exhaust headers on Nova's


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Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2002
I need a header pipe with a tighter bend in it - I've run out of room for the coupler and the pipe needs to be shorter. I can't remember what brand the one I have on is, and my Nova header is long gone. What headers are people using to get the pipes short?

Why not just buy the nova header again. Rossi sales has them for $28 http://www.rossisales.com/pipeheaders.html

I've been using them no problem. We have been getting to pipes down to 3.25 from the water fitting to the weld. Any shorter and the boat won't run. You know you can cut the pipe and header shorter to fit your needs.

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Thats what I wanted to know!

It's been a while since I've run this engine and with a different pipe and just couldn't remember the header at all.

The pipe is cut back as far as I would go without causing coupler problems...

Mike Hughes said:
Why not just buy the nova header again. Rossi sales has them for $28  http://www.rossisales.com/pipeheaders.htmlI've been using them no problem. We have been getting to pipes down to 3.25 from the water fitting to the weld. Any shorter and the boat won't run. You know you can cut the pipe and header shorter to fit your needs.

Mike...can you give a picture of what your talking about with the water fitting, maybe give an idea of actual header length and whether you telescope the pipe or not?!?


I would recommend the "J" coupler as well. It will allow you to get down below 3" if you want. But in general situations it provides a better gripping ability and lets you keep your pipe long while obtaining a shorter overall length.
Ron is exactly right, a couple of us recently discovered a new hobbyshop had the .12 size J-shaped couplers from General Silicone, so we ordered some of the .21 size. They are actually sold under the brand G S Racing if I remember for 1/8 scale trucks, all sorts of colors with molded in zip tie grooves both ends. :p

the Wallster
You can shorten the header to a "J" bend if you need to. I bought 2 of them for the Wild Thing .12, the nice thing is that they are flexible enough to get the pipe away from the head or block if needed. Hopefully I'll have some pix tomorrow to show you what I mean.

Mike is probably taking his measurement from the exit water fitting which would be the same as going straight back from the glow plug. This is how I used to measure mine, it's sometimes easier.
Ron is right. It is just easier to take the reading from a fixed point on the motor. It is only reference anyhow. It is basically lined up with the center on the glow plug. My water jacket used to have the water nipple pointing out the sides.

Another thing you can do to keep the coupler from coming off the pipe is to flange the edge of the pipe. Just enough to be larger so that when you zip tie the coupler inplace it gives it a groove to sit in. Won't budge an inch. I just try to find one that I did this to so I could take a picture and just remember that I left that one at the bottom of a lake in Montana.
