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July 8-16, 2005

I am currently working on the NAMBA newsletter and Rags Grenier has an article with some pics of the race site.

I will need some assistance when I get there. Can somebody find me a donut shop that sells maple bars?


Al Waters

NAMBA Vice President

NAMBA Scale Unlimited Chairman

President-Southern California Scale Thunderboat Association
Al and others,

We will be running our last race of the season at the nationals site on 10/16. The course was just put in place by a local fire department dive team. I will post pics of the race when completed.

There is plenty of maple whatever to be had around here this time of year.

Please feel free to contact me or our DD Rags if you have specific questions going forward.



glad you jumped in there.

Looking forward to coming your way. We are already figuring out our plans for transporting boats your way from San Diego.

Al Waters

NAMBA Vice President

NAMBA Scale Unlimited Chairman

President-Southern California Scale Thunderboat Association

The town is Rollingsford, NH. It's a small town on the ME, NH line. The closest major city is the seaport town of Portsmouth, NH. We actually are considering a scheduled night out on one of the tour boats in Porstmouth.

Hope this helps!


Where is the nearest hobby shop to have fuel shipped to? Is Boston the airport to fly into?

Lohring Miller
Lohring...great question! In my opinion, Manchester, NH is the best, (also Southwest flies in there, not Boston). For direct flights, Boston is better...much longer drive though after.

Fuel...I will talk to the DD about. One of our members is a hobby store owner in ME...he might be the ebst choice, I just want to confirm first. OK?

Thanks and Regards,

Lohring, you have R/C Buyers Warehouse in Nashua.

I think that is the biggest shop in the MA,NH,ME area.

You have a shop north of Portland but i don`t know if they still exists????

"Ray and Robbins Hobby Center" Phone# 207-797-5196

If you call R/C Buyers talk to BOB (the owner) or Jim or Russ, phone# 603-595-2494.

Been there ALOT of times so they know me B) .

Manchester is a nice airport and you avoid logan in Boston :D .....................

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Anders...thanks for jumping in there! Yes, R/C buyers warehouse is nice...actually it's <5 mi from where I live. IMHO, Portland may be too far North to ship the fuel.

We will work something out for everyone...just let us know what your specific needs are and we will do our best to accomodate everyone.

I am in the process of setting up a "Nats" e-mail account for all inquiries.



Do you have any info on Hotels and stuff? Maybe a site with this info? I have never race NAMBA but I do want to make this race. Look out on that 1/2 mill, I might get lost on that one :D . I run IMPBA, do I have to join NAMBA or can I pay a fee to be covered at the Nats.



Hey thanks for the question. As of now have not finalized a host hotel...as far as race fees are concerned, you will need to pay a daily fee to be covered for insurance (I think). At $10 a day, the $40 annual membership fee will pay for itself during the week. We are working on a website as well.

Re: 1/2 mill. To me it works very well with most classes...basically the 50 mph crowd...but with the 65+ mph crowd, things happen very quickly...it's easy to jump a start.

To all: I have set up an e-mail account ([email protected]) for questions regarding the upcoming internats. Most major annoucements will be made through the website, however should you have specific questions please feel free!

Best Regards,

you will need to pay a daily fee to be covered for insurance (I think). At $10 a day, the $40 annual membership fee will pay for itself during the week.
Hi Rick..

A few of the people that I race with, and myself, are thinking of attending the NAMBA Nats next year. One of the things we do for NAMBA members that attend the IMPBA Nats, is charge a $10.00 fee for the event, not per day. I thought this worked both ways?


Steve Ball
Single event insurance is $10.00 for an event. That would include the open water practice days if the entry form (and sanction) states those scheduled practice days. In the case of a Nats, it would include the Saturday to Saturday one week of racing and the listed open water days prior.

If you decide to race at a second NAMBA event during the rest of the calender year, you can pay the difference to get full membership. Single event insurance can only be used once during a calender year.

Al Waters

NAMBA Vice President

NAMBA Scale Unlimited Chairman

President-Southern California Scale Thunderboat Association
Al and Steve,

Sorry for the confusion. Our races are typically 1 day events, which is where my statement comes from.

Thanks Al for the clarification.



anytime............... Our Scale Association has already requested to sponsor your Scale Unlimited Class and Dave Rychalsky the Kids R Boaters Too event.

.... and any of us from District 19 are always willing to help CD a class and judge.

..........but you have to find me some maple bars. They don't even know what they are in PA. ;)

See ya............

Al Waters

NAMBA Vice President

NAMBA Scale Unlimited Chairman

President-Southern California Scale Thunderboat Association
Al, thanks for the info! I'm hoping we can put this together so we can come play with you folks.

Steve Ball

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