First........ There isn't, and never has been, any problems with the Spektrum system. I'm getting SO tired of hearing this CRAP. I've been running the Spektrum system since the day they were available without so much as a single glitch. You set them up correctly, as with any other system, and they operate perfectly. Every time. Period. Any deviation from this statement is caused by user error. Period.
Second....... Get your "facts" straight. While I don't' know anything about the FASST Telemetry systems, I can tell you, without a doubt, you can bind more than one RX to a TX with the Spektrum system. Been there, done that. It works perfectly.
Third.......... Why on EARTH would anyone put two complete radio systems in the same radio box? The sole purpose of tandem radios is so they can be COMPLETELY isolated from one another and prevent one failure from taking them both out. With both in the same radio box, something as simple as a water leak could easily spell s-p-l-i-n-t-e-r-s.
Thanks. Brad.
Titan Racing Components
BlackJack Hydros
Model Machine And Precision LLC