2,067 years...............


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Don Ferrette

Staff member
Supporting Member
Nov 25, 2003
So... what have we learned in 2,067 years?

"The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance." Cicero - 55 BC

Evidently not a damn thing!
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...and Rome went bankrupt for those very reasons Cicero stated.

The USA is already bankrupt for those very same reasons. The average American just doesn't realize that fact.....yet!
you know the saying if you don't learn from the past your doomed to repeat it. you know what Rome was doing too.....printing their ...uh um debasing their currency which eventually caused hyper inflation and the eventual crash of their economy and then their society
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you know the saying if you don't learn from the past your doomed to repeat it. you know what Rome was doing too.....printing their ...uh um debasing their currency which eventually caused hyper inflation and the eventual crash of their economy and then their society
Yep! Bernake is printing that stuff fast. Most of it is still in the "closet", but as soon as it gets out gas will cost as much as nitro! Those in line to get it first will do fine. Those with fixed incomes will be rioting in the streets.

If the wealthy paid the correct tax for their income we would be fine.

Also it costs a lot of money to Police the world these days.

We will all see what John is going to do very soon?

Thanks For Reading,


If the wealthy paid the correct tax for their income we would be fine.

Also it costs a lot of money to Police the world these days.

We will all see what John is going to do very soon?

Thanks For Reading,

The more We pay the more the elected officials spend. We could have everyone in this country sign over every dime that we/they make,

and it would STILL NOT BE ENOUGH to satisfy the political system that has been created.

Don't fool yourself.

I understand that for sure. Maybe we need to police Washington more and

the world less? We should start with a Congress pay cut and see how many

of the crooks leave Washington? Then clean up the special interest and lobbyist

Issues and then we would see some change for the better. I don't really like to pay

30% tax, but I think the wealthy should pay more than 15% tax? My grandfather

paid 50% tax for many years and now we are at the lowest tax for the wealthy in

history. Something Needs To Change,

I don't think we need to tax ANYONE more than anyone else. The wealthiest need the pay the same rate as us,.. and the under achievers need the pay too. I don 't think you will see that much change if you tax a small percentage of the people more. It's the 47% that don't pay ANYTHING, and want free healthcare and anything else they can get the government to take from the hard working American.. THAT is the problem.. just my opinion..

You hit it on the head. It's not the congressional saleries. It's not the military spending. It's not ALOT of the things that people like to think the problem is. The problem is the fact that nearly half the population isn't paying anything at all and a good portion of them are drawing on the system in some way or another. Don't misunderstand me. There are alot of people on the system that paid into the system their entire lives and they deserve what's coming to them. There are also a fair number of them that are truely unable to work for one reason or another. I think we need to take care of them, but not to the extent we currently are. The core of the problem is the MILLIONS that are milking the system dry. The vast majority of these have never paid one thin dime into the system, but somehow think they are "owed" everything they want. We've got alot of illegal aliens in this country, and not only are they diluting the job market, they have somehow managed to get themselves on the gravy train. Free health care, housing and food stamps, while they send their earnings back home, not to be spent back into our economy. We've got kids growing up in welfare homes, being taught that welfare is life. BO is promising more of the same to these people, even though a neanrethal can tell you it can't sustain itself, so they voted for him.

I'm not sure what it's going to take, but somehow, we've got to cut the chains on the boat anchor this country is dragging around or we will be going the way of the Romans and modern day Greece.

Thanks. Brad.

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