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Tall Fella

Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2007
Hello everybody .

This is a enquiry from Australia . I have the full set of sheets for the 1985 TEMPUS and want to know whether most members trace the shape of the bulkheads and frames off the sheets or as I discovered recently there are shops that can Laser cut a variety of materials including wood . In the past I have only run fibreglass boats . I look forward to reading your replies .


Ian Baas

Tall Fella Racing

Hello everybody .This is a enquiry from Australia . I have the full set of sheets for the 1985 TEMPUS and want to know whether most members trace the shape of the bulkheads and frames off the sheets or as I discovered recently there are shops that can Laser cut a variety of materials including wood . In the past I have only run fibreglass boats . I look forward to reading your replies .


Ian Baas

Tall Fella Racing

Two things if the plans are Roger Newtons they may not be exact but are very close so lazer cutting might be out of line. Id get an extra set of template sheets made and glue them to the wood as you cut it out. Tracing takes forever and if you use cheap glue it will scrape right off.
Hey Ian! I'm a wood butcher from way back. I have always traced my plans onto the wood w/ carbon paper. You can minimize waste by sliding the plans around, pin in place & insert carbon. If you want to keep your orig plans nice use tracing paper over the top. You can also cut & paste your plans to the wood. If you do you will probably want to make copies. Find a printer that can make quality reproductions! Most copiers will stretch the dimensions until have something that is definitely not what you started with! I use a razor knife to cut 1.0 or 1.5 mm ply & a bandsaw for anything heavier. A stationary belt sander is the tool of choice for a final tune-up on all parts. Something else you might want to consider - You can stack 2 or 3 sheets & cut out enough pieces for more than one boat at a time. Whether you are sticking plans to wood or ply sheets together, you can use pins (the ones w/ colored plastic knobs are cute but the aluminum ones are the best) or go to the craft or stationery store & get some rubber cement. When you're done just rub it & it comes off!

Larry K
Hello everybody .

Yes , they are Roger Newton plans . I read through many posts on International Waters searching for information . Somewhere it was written that the timber in Dumas kits was not durable enough - luan ?. So what is the preferred material , aircraft ply or something else . I look forward to your replies .


Ian Baas

Tall Fella Racing

Hello everybody . Yes , they are Roger Newton plans . I read through many posts on International Waters searching for information . Somewhere it was written that the timber in Dumas kits was not durable enough - luan ?. So what is the preferred material , aircraft ply or something else . I look forward to your replies .


Ian Baas

Tall Fella Racing

Ian....the quality of wood in a dumas kit isnt that great, HOWEVER i have built several dumas kits using the wood that came with the kit and i can tell you that if you take the time to properly SEAL the wood they hold up just fine.... i have a small paynpak that i built 27 years ago and i ran it alot and its still in one piece!!! Many folks replace the luan with aircraft ply and there is nothing wrong with that either if you dont mind spending the money and the extra time recutting all the parts... Its up to you as to how you want to do it!! By the way can you tell that this is the first time ive ever tried to add pictures to my post? man, im bad at this!! sorry, Bill
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