1980 U-6 Dr.Toyota


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Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2005
I noticed a pic from Newton's website plan 108bb. Did this boat ever actually run without a wing? Thank's, Glenn
As a former crew member of this boat the answer is no. The picture you see is the boat ether getting ready to leave or just arriving at a race site. That is they way it traveled from race site to race site the wings where completely removed and mounted on the trailer on the wheel well and we put on the cowling to protect the engine well during travel. The cowling you see in the picture was left behind out west one year due to damage to the front cowling at a race and was replaced with a another type so the engine cowling would no longer fit. So we left it behind do not know what ever happened to the cowling it was made of aluminum and very heavy to work with. Hope this helps Don
I only know of one time that boat ran without the rear wing and tails, and that being before it went to the Madison camp. Don't remember what year or the reason why
As a former crew member of this boat the answer is no. The picture you see is the boat ether getting ready to leave or just arriving at a race site. That is they way it traveled from race site to race site the wings where completely removed and mounted on the trailer on the wheel well and we put on the cowling to protect the engine well during travel. The cowling you see in the picture was left behind out west one year due to damage to the front cowling at a race and was replaced with a another type so the engine cowling would no longer fit. So we left it behind do not know what ever happened to the cowling it was made of aluminum and very heavy to work with. Hope this helps Don
Thank's Don, That's kinda what I figured-only pic I've seen of that boat with the cowl on and without a wing. That boat had a rather long career 1973-1988 as far as I know and never saw one other pic of the boat running with the cowl on and only one pic of the boat running without a wing-looked like the wing had been ripped off(1976 Atlas). Thank's again, Glenn
No problem Glen, I know that boat better than my own. I helped rebuild it twice and spent a winter on my back sanding and painting the bottom. Boy in its day it was a great hull very stable. The time it did not run wings it was the Atlas and was running in Detroit.The wings where damaged due to the rough water. Also this was in the days that there where no back up wings in the truck. Heck just the vertical wings where heaver than the hole wing system on a boat today. We used to use the crane at times to put them on, they where so heavy.
I've seen a picture in a newspaper of the Pak running without the tails or wing with the caption "Bobtailed Pak". I've also seen pictures taken at four race sites of the boat on the water with the cowl on, probably back in 1973. One actually shows the boat half sunk with only the front of the sponsons, top of the cowl, back of the cockpit and wing visible All these are in the 1973 scrapbook at the HARM
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