I'm working on a '93 Madison which is pretty close to Smoken Joe's. I spent a lot of hours thinking about the motor mount and location. At first I was thinking about rail mounts as far forward on the flat bottom as I could go. I think the boat is going to be rear heavy because of the turbin tube wings and stuff. Putting the center of the cylinder where the floor goes from flat to angled looks about right to me, (unqualified :-| ). I'm happy to see Steves gaser looks like the same location I guessed at. Moving the motor forward required a small motor well. Not that hard to do. Plus it may even help the boat get onto plane better. My well is 3/16 deep and is a continuation of the center slope. 1/4 spruce plus 1/16 sheet. It then goes flat for about 1/2 inch. About as wide as the motor.
Before going further, get a 6" or so piece of tubing and stick it in your collet to see where the shaft will exit the boat. Big help.
Since the boat starts to curve in right where the flat bottom angles upward, 5" rail mounting wasn't going to work for me. I saw a pic from Phil and cloned it. I set the Speedmaster mount at 4" and made new rails. Kind of a challenge because the floor isn't flat and I have two quarter x quarter sticks running across the joint. I also felt that a floor mount was going to be a pain because of not mounting it on a flat floor.
Samuel pointed out that that if you decide to offset your motor in the tub, be sure and test fit your cowl as it may not clear. I went center tub.
Pictures would have been better, but I'm out of space right now...
Hope this helps.