namba district 3


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  1. Brian “The Bear” Kelly

    Introduction: Brian “The Bear” Kelly.

    Hey All!!! Brian ‘The Bear” Kelly here!! Racing Landloocked Nitro powered monsters since the age of 12. NOW it gets serious!! Out of control excited to be in this what I consider to be a very PRESTIGIOUS group of amazing men,women and the younger generation!!! A little nervous. Over excited...
  2. Ron B.

    Entry List for Orlando's NAMBA District 3 Points Race June 13 and 14

    As of this morning this is the entry list for this weekends race. If anything should change between now and Thursday evening I will post and updated list. "Orlando Culvert Dodgers Inc." "Lake Richard 5400 Lee Vista Blvd. Orl., FL. 32822" "2015 NAMBA District 3 High Points Race" "6/13/2015"...