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  1. Byron Walker

    .12 Texan

    Glenn they look great. Have you considered using Walt Barney's custom fit stainless steel tanks on them. Also what hardware did you use. Byron
  2. Byron Walker

    WTB 12-15
  3. Byron Walker

    looking for solinger jae 12 rudder

    Wow Bill, I posted last week for a Solinger Rudder and had no luck. Do you have another one for me. :-) Way to help out a fellow Alabamian. Roll Tide Roll.... Maybe you know someone that has one for sale. WTB Solinger rudder link
  4. Byron Walker

    looking for solinger jae 12 rudder

    I too have been looking for a Solinger rudder. They will be out until June. Jim Mamaril will be making rudders soon. Here's a pic of his.
  5. Byron Walker

    WTB .12 rudder

    I would like to buy a "Solinger Rudder" non water pickup, if anyone has one for sale. Thank you Byron Walker
  6. Byron Walker

    WTB .12 rudder

    If there's any more Solinger Rudders floating around, I also would like to buy one. Please let me know. Byron Walker
  7. Byron Walker

    .12 Rigger Fuel Choice

    How about Ritch's Brew Fuels... link
  8. Byron Walker

    .12 Rigger Fuel Choice

    What fuel and % of nitro do you run in your .12 rigger.
  9. Byron Walker

    JAE-strut choice and installation detail

    Here's another...
  10. Byron Walker

    Servos for JAE 12

    What is the best servo combination for the JAE .12 rigger...
  11. Byron Walker

    Any word on a solinger rudder w water pick up -JAE 12

    Here's a couple of rudder choices... Speedmaster Mini Rudder Assembly RC Boat 75mm Aluminium Mini CNC CNC Aluminum rudder 95mm
  12. Byron Walker

    JAE-strut choice and installation detail

    What strut is the best choice for the JAE .12 I see where is selling one now... 3/16 Strut