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  1. G

    ML Boatworks 1/8th Scale Newton 172 Extreme Prop Walk

    They weigh 78 grams each. The wood ones weighed 74 grams and the assembled fiberglass ones weighed 105 grams each. I fabricated the wood ones because the fiberglass feathers made the boat a bit tail heavy. The % infill can be reduced some to make them even lighter (I used 15% as some overkill...
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    ML Boatworks 1/8th Scale Newton 172 Extreme Prop Walk

    Happy New Year everyone. Thought I'd share pictures of the new tail feathers printed up this past week.
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    Thank you. Been looking for a suitable quick cure solution.
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    Don, One can use Devcon 14251 instead of G-Flex? That 10 minute cure would have saved hours in build time for my first boat. Nice to know. :)
  5. G

    ML Boatworks 1/8th Scale Newton 172 Extreme Prop Walk

    Neal, I have finally got the boat set up to run straight and true with the help of everyone in this thread and it runs awesome. Runs dead straight at full throttle and corners on a dime. A lot of fun. It handles quite well and makes it easy for this novice driver keep it on the water.
  6. G

    ML Boatworks 1/8th Scale Newton 172 Extreme Prop Walk

    Does anyone have a template for cutting the cowling (window slots) for the Lexan canopy?
  7. G

    ML Boatworks 1/8th Scale Newton 172 Extreme Prop Walk

    Don, Thank you for all the help. Being new to RC Hydros, there's a lot to digest.
  8. G

    ML Boatworks 1/8th Scale Newton 172 Extreme Prop Walk

    Don, Thank you so much for all the help. There is so much to these boats.
  9. G

    ML Boatworks 1/8th Scale Newton 172 Extreme Prop Walk

    Got it. Thank you. When moved to that angle any suggestions on how deep to set it? The mounting bracket has been drilled with a matrix of holes, so it can be moved up/down and left/right. Your help is greatly appreciated.
  10. G

    ML Boatworks 1/8th Scale Newton 172 Extreme Prop Walk

    Here are some pictures of the rudder setup and turn fin as requested. New rudder being installed this weekend.
  11. G

    ML Boatworks 1/8th Scale Newton 172 Extreme Prop Walk

    Hey Brent, thank you. Looked at a lot of the newer boats that were designed to troll and get up on plane quickly. Made changes to the underside of the sponsons during build and it pops right up. No water over the top at all. The boat isn't pretty yet, needs to have epoxy sealer sanded a bunch...
  12. G

    ML Boatworks 1/8th Scale Newton 172 Extreme Prop Walk

    Cut the rudder down as suggested and the boat acted better, but it still walked to the right.. Added a bunch of left trim to the rudder and that helped some, but still walked to the right. Put the boat back on the build fixture and found that the turn fin was toed out. Corrected that by shimming...
  13. G

    ML Boatworks 1/8th Scale Newton 172 Extreme Prop Walk

    Would that be the same for a straight blade rudder also?
  14. G

    ML Boatworks 1/8th Scale Newton 172 Extreme Prop Walk

    Thank you. It's 3 1/4" below the bottom blade of the prop. I've read where some people offset the strut slightly towards the left sponson. Is that recommended? The boat is sealed and not painted yet so a bit of surgery can be done. Would the motor mount, and stuffing box need to be realigned...
  15. G

    ML Boatworks 1/8th Scale Newton 172 Extreme Prop Walk

    Thank you and thank everyone. Ordering a straight rudder. In the mean time going to trim the rudder as suggested.
  16. G

    ML Boatworks 1/8th Scale Newton 172 Extreme Prop Walk

    Will try that. Thank you. It currently is centered.
  17. G

    ML Boatworks 1/8th Scale Newton 172 Extreme Prop Walk

    The rudder is full length. Will post some pictures, however she's not pretty yet. Sealed with epoxy, not painted yet. Wanted to get some test runs just in case some hull work is needed.
  18. G

    ML Boatworks 1/8th Scale Newton 172 Extreme Prop Walk

    Taking the boat out tomorrow. Will try this. Thank you.