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  1. The Real Grim

    K21 News Update

    I have been working with Al on these engines. If anyone is interested in getting the bearings installed and all the issues fixed please give me a call. I have all the tooling and fixtures to make all the adjustments to the engine. this way it will be ready to install in the boat and run. Thanks...
  2. The Real Grim

    NAMBA SAW & 2-Lap TT November 24th - 25th 2023 Huntsville, AL

    The NAMBA TT will be held Friday 24th and Saturday 25th 2023 Start time: 7am until Dark. The last hour will be only the boats close to a record thank you! For questions, please call Mark Grim 714-615-9974 [email protected]
  3. The Real Grim

    FutabeUSA NAMBA Rocket City Nationals SPONSORS NEEDED!

    Hi everyone, I wanted to update everyone. Your Nationals Committe NAMBA District 5 and the Rocket City Power Boat Club is working hard to make sure this is one of the best NAMBA Nats ever. We are still in need of Class Sponsors. Please all NAMBA Districts pick a class or classes to sponsor and...
  4. The Real Grim

    ROCKET CITY 51st NAMBA Nationals 2023

    Remember Everyone, The NAMBA Nationals DOES NOT have a limit on the number of boats we will run so Enter Up! today to WIN A BOAT!
  5. The Real Grim


    Hi Pete, Go to 2023 NAMBA Rocket City Nationals and pick the Clas you want to Sponsor. Thank you, Pete!
  6. The Real Grim

    ROCKET CITY 51st NAMBA Nationals 2023

    Yes we are. We need to know the size of your trailer and the size of your tent area
  7. The Real Grim

    ROCKET CITY 51st NAMBA Nationals 2023

    Hi Pete, thank you, You can buy it on the Event Connect website April 1st 2023 NAMBA Rocket City Nationals Or please make a check out to NAMBA District 5 C/O Kim Grim 136 La Newby Rd. Harvest AL
  8. The Real Grim

    ROCKET CITY 51st NAMBA Nationals 2023

    Class Sponsorship: $250.00 Class Sponsorships: A Mono, P Ltd Hydro, G Ltd Mono, Multi Engine Nitro, GX-2 Crackerbox, Kids-R-Boaters-Too, Gas Tunnel, P Ltd Sport Hydro, G-1 Outrigger, Jersey Skiff, A Hydro, A Mod Tunnel, P Limited Tunnel, G-1 Mono, P Ltd Catamaran,, X Hydro, C Mono, B Mono, P...
  9. The Real Grim


    Hi everyone, if you would like to donate any product for the Raffel's please call Kim Grim, 256-929-5156 We are also asking for Class Sponsorships which can be found on RACE DAY (Event Connect) 2023 NAMBA Rocket City Nationals If you would like an AD in the Program, please call Kim Grim 256-929-5156
  10. The Real Grim

    ROCKET CITY 51st NAMBA Nationals 2023

    Hi Everyone We will have a Food Truck Sweet & Heat BBQ, set up the 7th thru 14th so no one should go hungry. The menu will vary every day and we will also have a shaved ice and lemonade stand. So bring your hungry!!!! More info will be coming!!
  11. The Real Grim

    ROCKET CITY 51st NAMBA Nationals 2023

    A Hydro is listed you just missed it!
  12. The Real Grim

    ROCKET CITY 51st NAMBA Nationals 2023

    51st Rocket City NAMBA Nationals Brahan Spring Park, Huntsville, AL October 7th – 14th Sign -Up Opens April 1st Come and Join Us! Sign Up Thru Event Connect Hello everyone, District 5 has some exciting news to tell you! NAMBA District 5 is happy to announce that the City of Huntsville in...
  13. The Real Grim

    NAMBA District 5 SAW - 2LAP results for this weekend

    Hi everyone, We had better than expected water on Saturday even though it was windy, so some records were set. On Sunday we had less wind and the water got choppy a few times but all in all the water was not too bad to set records in. It did get hot Sunday afternoon but that's the weather in...
  14. The Real Grim


    T Shirt SM, MD, LG $20.00 T Shirt XXL, $22.00 T Shirt XXXL, $24.00 Please PayPal payment to: [email protected]
  15. The Real Grim


    THE (IMPBA INTERNATS RACE ENTRY HAS BEEN EXTENDED UNTIL 05/31/2022) NO more entries can be added after this date! Please enter as soon as posible. Thank you, Rick Grim Here is the back and front of the IMPBA Internats T Shirt
  16. The Real Grim


    Hi everyone, We still need Class Sponsors, Here are the list of classes: TO PURCHASE A T-SHIRT OR ADDITIONAL BANQUET TICKET PAY PAL the Total Amount To: [email protected] Please specify what size T-Shirts you would like and/or how many extra Banquet Tickets you would like. T-Shirt: S, M...
  17. The Real Grim

    2022 NAMBA District 5 Saw and 2-Lap event 3/20/2022 Results

    Results of March 2022 SAW/2-LAP EVENT Congratulations to Bob Londress & Tyler Garrard, For their Straightline Records in G Limited Crackerbox and P Limited Hydro! (You Both Rock!) Bob Londress G Limited Crackerbox SEC: 4.962 MPH: 45.345 Tyler Garrard P Limited Hydro SEC: 1.868 MPH: 120.450
  18. The Real Grim


    Hi Pete, I need to know if you are sponsoring all three events in those classes? A/B Mono - SAW, OVAL 2-LAP, HEAT RACING $270.00 C/D Mono - - SAW, Oval , Heat Racing $270.00 F Mono - SAW, Oval , Heat Racing $270.00 Total $810.00 I also need to know if you want me to send you a PayPal...