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  1. BobH

    WTB Used .21 size seaducer

    It is the older sub-surfce drive, black hull, gold metal flake deck. This is a new hull, never drilled
  2. BobH

    WTB Used .21 size seaducer

    Are you looking for a sub-surface (older hull, or a surface drive? Bob H.
  3. BobH

    Carb for MAC 21ob

    20J is an excellent choice, plus the O.S inflight 3rd channel needle will fit.
  4. BobH

    2006 Atlanta Spring Nats

    Lamar, AMB spring nats in the late 80s into the mid 90s had a 3 boat limit per entrant ,so this is nothing new. AMB has kept the spring nats going for many year with good decisions on how to promote the hobby. This is another one. Go for it. Bob H.
  5. BobH

    CMB out board tunnel shoot out

    The ICEMAN cometh :P
  6. BobH

    Online garage sale

    Tom, Is the .21 Nova short stroke crank still available, and how much. Bob H.
  7. BobH

    bearing maintence

    Good post Steve! ;) five years -Bob
  8. BobH

    An Ebay auction with a twist....

    Well, if you can get past all those buoys there is a boat at the end of the course ;) -Bob