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  1. Aarona40

    '68 Harrah's Club

    Looking for some help. Building a 1/10 scale and trying to figure out the depth of the pickles? I know how the original was built and configured. But hoping someone has an idea of the depth. Anybody able to help????
  2. Aarona40

    Misc. Pipe Lot

    Misc. Pies for sale. Unknown what they are. Collected over the years. Not running nitro anymore. Just taking up space. Selling as a lot. SOLD
  3. Aarona40

    Gas Scale cowlings, Jones Lowback

    I have 2 Epoxy cowls. Very nice layups. The full length one has carbon reinforcement. Not going to use them. 1. Full length with carbon $100 Shipped 2. Cut cowl at firewall $85 shipped Price is shipped in the lower 48. Will ship elsewhere at buyer's expense. Paypal accepted. LMK if you...
  4. Aarona40

    5S, 6S,12S Lipos

    I got these Lipos for a few large project boats that I was gonna build. But I am going to focus on my 1/7th scale boat this year.[/size] All are brand new. A few of them removed from the original packaging. Other than that they are ready for connectors and go!!![/size] (2) 5S 2P 7400mAh Brand...
  5. Aarona40

    Thunderboats For Sale...

    Spent the weekend in the shop and came to the conclusion that right now I don't have the time with all the other commitments going on. So I have decided to sell the stuff sitting in the shop. 1. Feecraft Thunderboat. Boat is painted as the '63 Harrah's Tahoe Miss (color codes match the real...
  6. Aarona40

    Picco American...

    I have a friend that is looking for more pics and the exact year . Thanks for the help. Aaron
  7. Aarona40

    Newton 108/109 Paint sheet...

    Alright guys, let me start by saying I am not going to cut David out of a sale. I need to find someone who has a Newton 108 cabover and the 109 with a full cowl so I can blow them up a 120% for our new scale thunderboat class. I need to see if I can hide the plug wire under the cowl and keep...
  8. Aarona40

    1/8 Scale 101 Project...

    Hey guys, I have a wood 1/8 scale that I had for a project and am not going to have time for it with our new scale thunderboat class. I need to open up a shelf and free up some funds. All wood construction with an epoxy McIntire cowl. Boat is constructed well. This would make the '68...
  9. Aarona40

    For Sale: '77-'81 Atlas cowling

    I have an epoxy 1/8 scale '77-'81 Atlas Van Lines cowling. Not sure of the maker, but it is in perfect shape. Ready to mount, prep and paint. I don't need it so it needs to go. I need the funds and room for my Pay n Pak build that is starting!! Paypal is: Asking...
  10. Aarona40

    Turbine Pay n Pak

    Going to build this boat for next year so pics of the '80-'82 Turbine Pak would be great. I have the newspaper articles of the blowover and collision haging on the shop wall. Thanks for the help. Aaron
  11. Aarona40

    '63 Harahs Tahoe Miss...

    I am looking to see if anyone has the paint codes for the '63 Harrahs Tahoe Miss. I am getting ready to have the boat painted. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks, Aaron