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  1. XtremeRcBoats

    How to use plastigauge for measuring head clearance

    I bought some plastigauge to measure the head clearance. Have not used this stuff before. What is the best way to use it, can you do the same as with a tin wire and stick it through the plug opening?
  2. XtremeRcBoats

    Parts Wanted K&B 67 OB head shims

    Hi Guys, Looking for some head shims for a K&B67 OB. Anyone has a set that they would like to sell. Can only pay with Paypal and needs to be shipped to the Netherlands. Tnx.
  3. XtremeRcBoats

    Parts Wanted K&B 67 Keeley head button

    HI Guys, i want to resurect my K&B67 again and recently saw a Keeley type head button on a engine Jerry Dunlap sold. Would like to give that a try. Does anyone have something like this in a parts box that they no onger use. See picture below for reference. Can only pay with PayPal and needs to...
  4. XtremeRcBoats

    JAE21 OB rigger

    A long time ago I only ran tunnels, then I saw the sundowner OB hydro and that got me interested in outriggers. I bought a Sundowner from Joe Monohan and ran it with great pleasure, it was a fun boat to drive. After that a lot more conventional outriggers followed (21, 45, 90, twin 90 and gas)...
  5. XtremeRcBoats

    Rudder setting on a rigger

    I recently copied my model settings from an old transmitter to a new one (3vc to 3vcs). I noted down all the settings and noticed that on rudder I put the same settings for left and right. I mostly I run riggers and thus left turns are hard, so it makes not much sense. I was wondering how do you...
  6. XtremeRcBoats

    Outrigger slow motion vid

    Found this vid on youtube with a twin 45 rigger with 2 tubs and double sponsons. I think it is one of Romans hulls. The slow motion is very impressive, tubs stay pretty stable but the sponsons are bounching all over the place
  7. XtremeRcBoats

    Triple rigger

    Just saw the triple rigger pics from Shane on top of the forum. Looks great and very well built. 👍 Shane can you tell us a bit more about it. Design, size, engines?
  8. XtremeRcBoats

    V967-3 Twin set by Andy Brown

    For sale Octura V967-3 twin set done by Andy Brown. I got these props some years ago from Buckshot for my twin SGX but never used them. They look pristine. $105.00 including shipping to the US. Paypal only and buyer to pay the fees. Please note that it will be shipped from the Netherlands and...
  9. XtremeRcBoats

    K&B 45 Redhead Pro Ouboard

    For sale K&B 45 Redhead Pro Ouboard without lower. I got this in a trade but never got to use it. What you see is what you get, feels smooth, has good compression when rolling over TDC. The rust on the crank / PTO looks superficial and I think can be removed with a bit a scotch brite. See last...
  10. XtremeRcBoats

    Convert OS OB V1 to V2?

    I've got a OS V1 outboard. Can you convert it to a V2 and what do you need (air cooled head, extended muffler, what else?) If possible, it is worth to upgrade it to a V2? Tnx.
  11. XtremeRcBoats

    WTB Used OS OB lower unit (with broken / damaged skeg)

    I'm looking for a used OS lower unit. Doesn't matter if the skeg is broken / damaged, want to cut the skeg and run it with an offset skeg on a JAE21 OB. Only need the alu lower unit, don't need the rest of the drive line etc. Anybody has one laying around that wants to sell it? I live in the...
  12. XtremeRcBoats

    WTB new 2 x futaba 603fs FASST receiver

    Looking for 2 new Futaba 603FS FASST receivers with shipping to the Netherlands. Can only pay with PayPal.
  13. XtremeRcBoats

    Increase volume of CMB45 RS

    A friend of mine is doing rc tractor pulling ( They have got a class up to 10cc (.60 cu in.) engines. He is currently running a CMB45 45 RS evo. However he would like to increase the size of the engine to get (as close as possible) to 0.60. Would that...
  14. XtremeRcBoats

    3rd needle replacement O-rings

    On my twin SGX with MAC84's one of the 3rd needles is leaking. I forgot where I got these and now need some replacement O-rings. Does anyone recognize them and know where to get these? Thanks in advance.
  15. XtremeRcBoats

    best place to buy O'Donnell 299T V2 plugs

    I'm looking for some O'Donnell 299T V2 Turbo / cone plugs. What is a good place to buy them? Thanks,
  16. XtremeRcBoats

    Heat wrapping

    I've seen several boats on the forum with heat wrapping around the pipes, so I decided I also want to give it a try. I've orderd some rescue tape and currently waiting for it arrives.  Before I start on it, I have a couple of questions: - I intend to use it on riggers, for what size engines...
  17. XtremeRcBoats

    Torque settings

    Last year I bought a torque screwdriver but sofar I havn't done much with it. Boating season is over, so this winter I want to start using it. My question is what torque settings do you use and do you have different settings for: - thread size - location (head button / carb etc). - size...
  18. XtremeRcBoats

    WTB 3rd needle for 21 engine

    Looking for a 3rd needle for my 21 JAE. What have you got? I can only pay with Paypal and I live in the Netherlands. Thanks,
  19. XtremeRcBoats

    Glow plug, how much amps?

    How much amps must run through a glow plug? I'm still running O'Donnel Blues. I've been using a glow plug driver which connects to my lipo starter battery and recently starting gets harder and the plug doesn't light up. When I used my multimeter, it read about 3 amps.Should that be enough? I'm...
  20. XtremeRcBoats

    K&B 45 red head

    Recently I got a k&b 45 red head in another christmas giveaway. I opened it up and the crank and back plate has some corrosion on it. What is the best way to remove it, use some scotch bride or wet sand it? When I removed the head button I didn't pay attention how it was mounted, which side...