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  1. RobertDoak

    Krylon color maxx spray paints ! will be good to go...
  2. RobertDoak

    Aeromarine is back

    Great running hull for sure...
  3. RobertDoak

    Aeromarine is back

    Hello Boaters....I do have good news...Aeromarine is producing hulls once again....I'm the proud owner of the first Aeromarine Conquest for 2022...fresh out of the molds and decks attached together...i had Troy add some carbon to the sponson tips on this one... I may have to keep this...
  4. RobertDoak

    Visit RC boating venue.

    Old dominion is a very active group and will welcome you with open arms...they are usually there almost every weekend...Kentley porter and Scott littycoat are usually there unless other matters arise..some really awesome guys at's a 3 hour drive for me...I'm just outside Wash D.C. and...
  5. RobertDoak

    K&B parts compatability

    An easier way...just remove the piston sleeve...if it measures .765" O.D. it's the 13mm version..if it's .750" is the 12mm version ...but in the grand scheme of really doesn't matter 12mm/13mm...both will run fine...
  6. RobertDoak

    K&B parts compatability

    Andre...the mecoa web site has a ton of "hidden" info on the K&B engines....but to answer your immediate questions...the engines you have are 13mm engines...the giveaways to look for are the webbing around the motor mounting lug and the exhaust area where it meets the lower...there is a...
  7. RobertDoak

    Thunder boat Rudder location

    Hydro junkie....thanks for the info...and makes sense...I ever really gave any of that stuff much thought..I just did what the manufacturer suggested...kinda funny though...on full scale don't see the rudder 4 feet off the transom...thanks for the info...
  8. RobertDoak

    39" Tunnel Prototype Coming To A Pond Near You!

    Ric...will a 3.5 cowl fit....I have a spare
  9. RobertDoak

    What are the businesses that you buy from?

    Zippkits for my wood boats Aeromarine for fiberglass boats Gizmo engines for zenoah stock and mod engines. Gizmo for running hardware... Offshore Electrics for those type of items Bob Austin for props
  10. RobertDoak

    Aeromarine is back

    Hey everyone...just an update...I got a call last night saying my new Conquest will start the layup process today(2.28.22) I should have it in hand next week...Troy is doing the fiberglass work so if anyone needs a boat give Aeromarine a call....I ordered mine through Danny at RCLife...
  11. RobertDoak

    R/C planes

    I remember when the Kaos 60 was "The" pattern plane for its time was all the rave...darn I'm old...crap
  12. RobertDoak

    Boats For Sale Circus Çircus 1/8 Scale

    Wow...for that price your giving the boat away for free...shipping that huge beautiful gal is going to be costly...I ended up giving away the large scale dumas Atlas van lines to a local boater due to the shipping costs...if the rear wing is fixed in place...the shipping box will be very large...
  13. RobertDoak

    IV bag holder

    almost sounds like your describing the Aeromarine Conquest hull that's is a major p.i.t.a....I ended up due to the very little tying the bag to the rails...little hands would have been nice..not a set of ham hocks like mine
  14. RobertDoak

    Octane question

    Thank you John...I'm glad you straightened me out on that....that would have hurt the ol wallet...
  15. RobertDoak

    Octane question

    So...don't add oil or nothing....just pour in bag and run?
  16. RobertDoak

    I Waters Rocket Club

    Well it's rocket launch day today at the NOVAAR club in's high is 26°... I think I will stay home...I know how plastic parachutes and the cold work.....maybe next month...
  17. RobertDoak

    I Waters Rocket Club

    I guess combining FPV along with the aerial combat with the onboard missles could be almost as real as it could get..would have a hard time explaining to AMA on any damages that may accur...but exciting non the less...
  18. RobertDoak

    I Waters Rocket Club

    I just earned what dog barf is from Tim on Apogee web site...lots of stuff I'm learning about high power rockets...big jump from the Estes stuff
  19. RobertDoak

    Aluminum twin

    The faster you go ....the lighter it
  20. RobertDoak

    I Waters Rocket Club

    Wow....that is something...I would be in the doghouse for sure after that...some NASCAR tape should get it back flying .....right..👍