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  1. J

    jae.12 rigger motor

    Thanks a bunch guys, I have seen a lot of the 12s with buggy engines but not sure how the collet was attached, there are some very different looking cranks. I may still buy the novarossi but play with a buggy engine as well just to compare. Kinda chomping at the bit as this would have been our...
  2. J

    jae.12 rigger motor

    Hi guys, I built a jae12 rigger over the winter and I'm still on the fence about what to run for a motor. If I go with a buggy motor I will need a shaft adaptor and dont know where to find it. I guess if I go with the novarossi it would solve all the fitting issues. What did you guys do? JoeD.
  3. J

    Speedmaster 21 mono and CMB F/S

    Deal pending funds. thanks
  4. J

    Speedmaster 21 mono and CMB F/S

    I used this boat a handful of times and got a little busy with some of my bigger gas boats so this one's got to go. All speedmaster hardware, motor mount, fuel tank, stuffing tube, drive shaft, and servos included. The motor still runs but is getting a little tired. All you see in the pics...