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  1. Daniel's Racing

    10PX TX battery recommendations

    Sorry guy's but the packs for the newer Futaba's I just got are not the correct packs I ordered so I am still out of stock on them.
  2. Daniel's Racing

    FUTABA Transmitter Pack SALE

    Rich, It would be $36. Send to [email protected] Please PM your address. Thank you. Scott, Thank you sir. I will do.
  3. Daniel's Racing

    FUTABA Transmitter Pack SALE

    I have just refunded the payments everyone sent. I believe I got everyone squared away but let me know if you didn't get them or anything. Rich, Yes sir. I do have a few left.
  4. Daniel's Racing

    FUTABA Transmitter Pack SALE

    Rich, Thank you sir. It helped tremendously. Confirmed what I surmised would be the case. These puppies are not going in Futabe transmitters. Thanks again. I will be issuing refunds here shortly. So sorry guys. And Mike especially. This is twice he sent money for the same packs. I sincerely...
  5. Daniel's Racing

    FUTABA Transmitter Pack SALE

    I think I have a problem yet still. I recon I should not be selling what is not in my hands but this has never happened before and I have sold thousands. Lesson learned. The LiFe 2500 2S packs have arrived but I am pretty sure they are wrong. They have the correct part number but they look a...
  6. Daniel's Racing

    FUTABA Transmitter Pack SALE

    Mike, Please send the $34 to [email protected] Please PM your address. Thank you, Daniel
  7. Daniel's Racing

    FUTABA Transmitter Pack SALE

    Scott, Please send the $34 to [email protected] Th packs are enroute. Showing two shipments. I should get one on Tuesday and the second on Wednesday. Your pack would be shipping Thursday or Friday.
  8. Daniel's Racing

    Shaft Oiler or Grease?
  9. Daniel's Racing

    FUTABA Transmitter Pack SALE

    Mike,' Ok cool I will let you know.
  10. Daniel's Racing

    Control Rod Splice question

    Thank you. Few more pics of the seals/mounts.
  11. Daniel's Racing

    Control Rod Splice question

    I make and sell these 1/8" SS rod with each end threaded 6-32 with nylon monster ball joints that thread on snug and maintain alignment with each other on the rod without backer nuts. No electrical noise created and never get any play in them. The 3mm bolts can thread directly in aluminum servo...
  12. Daniel's Racing

    FUTABA Transmitter Pack SALE

    Mike, If you still want the packs they will be here soon. Thank you. Scott, I will have them in a few days. Thank you.
  13. Daniel's Racing

    LiFe 1800 Cube packs

    John, Sorry for delay in replying. Yes sir I will have them in a few days.
  14. Daniel's Racing

    FUTABA Transmitter Pack SALE

    I will have the LiFe Transmiter packs soon as I just got a email that they have shipped. I can accept payments again now that I know they are on the way.
  15. Daniel's Racing

    FUTABA Transmitter Pack SALE

    Yes they are 3S 2750 11.1 volt packs. The pic makes it look longer than it is. It fits right in. I will let you know.
  16. Daniel's Racing

    Flex shaft Setup??

    Yes sir. That is more like it.
  17. Daniel's Racing

    Flex shaft Setup??

    I just posted almost the same reply over on the dock where he asked the same question. >> Neither is great. #1 is all the bend in one spot which is no good. #2 you have way more bending going on than necessary as you do not want bends from bottom to engine for sure. Just angle engine down...
  18. Daniel's Racing

    FUTABA Transmitter Pack SALE

    Brad, Glad they made it safely. You are more than welcome. Appreciate the business. Thank you.
  19. Daniel's Racing

    FUTABA Transmitter Pack SALE

    Tom, I am sorry I do not have a pack for that stick radio.
  20. Daniel's Racing

    FUTABA Transmitter Pack SALE

    Please hold up on anymore of the LiFe 2500 transmitter packs. I just checked my order and it looks like they shipped zero of these packs. The LiPo's for the 3PM, 3PM-X, 3PK 3PKS I do have about 8 left of those.