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  1. R

    Blazer Lauterbach Build Thread

    You are teasing us with such nice work. Man, that deck will look nice after some coats of clear and polishing....
  2. R

    The new project

    Too little pictures ;)
  3. R

    MHardware guessing game

    Trolley for all your tools Mike
  4. R

    Triple rigger

    OK welll keep up the good work and happy to see if you have any progress to post.
  5. R

    Triple rigger

    HI Shane, any progress you can share with us? I'm curious to see more!
  6. R

    Introducing from the Netherlands

    Welkom, waar in Nederland kom je vandaan?
  7. R

    Blazer Lauterbach Build Thread

    Whoop whoop
  8. R

    Blazer Lauterbach Build Thread

    If that is all in the build of a wooden ship you're doing damn good. I am however surprised how quick your epoxy sets as you can sand it already next day. I have to wait a few days for it to truely se, otherwise it will gum up the sand paper...
  9. R

    First attempt at anodizing.

    Any news here Chris?
  10. R

    CMB 28.5 Evo

    I changed to Seger clips and they are much easier to work with, especially in difficult engines such as the CMB. These work on Zenoah and the likes engines. Stop piston clips seger (10 pz) x piston ø34
  11. R

    Blazer Lauterbach Build Thread

    You're on fire Rich: all looks vey nice and carefully done.
  12. R

    Slingshot inspired twin rigger

    So..... finally in a shape that I think the boat can be tried on water. After 4 months on intense building didn't fancy for some last minute nice to have, just want to get it on the water and make a spin... So hood is a bit crude, sponsons in raw format (but spend like 5 minutes making something...
  13. R

    GPS Speed Meters

    Received mine within a week from China, but it's not working... When I hook it up to charge the build-in battery the unit gets warm, but no led light up. Also no signal can be found with my phone / laptop. So have returned it and ordered a new one from another seller.
  14. R

    Monohull thruster placement

    The CG is important if your boat is in planing phase: the lift of water and air needs to be in balance with gravity so that it glides over water without flipping. But as you will not reach a speed that will push / lift the boat out of the water the CG will not be critical. It will only have an...
  15. R

    Monohull thruster placement

    Then it doesn't matter where you place them, as long as they are submerged. Your boat won't get on plane so I wouldn't worry a lot about the CG as well.
  16. R

    Need HELP Boss or G6

    As you have both,, build them both and then you run. That way you have a main boat and a spare...
  17. R

    Monohull thruster placement

    As I read the spec of the truster it will be a trolling boat, not a speedboat. Is that what you envision?
  18. R

    Charging Li-fe Rx packs!

    Just to be sure I would charge at a low C. As the battery is 800mAh, I would charge at 100 mAh: which would be around 9 hours if it was to be totally drained. Usually they are at 40% when new, so still about 400-500 mAh to pump in. Don't forget to hook up to a balancer so both cell are charged...
  19. R

    Blazer Lauterbach Build Thread

    Yes that is the way I had build my backlashes and whiplash, but I thought you had fixed the frame to the building board, not being able to access that easy. All the better! Good luck with next step, though I'm sure you'll be fine :p
  20. R

    Blazer Lauterbach Build Thread

    You do good work Rich! I would not only clamp, but also put some weight on. Alternatively (but not my preference) you can use pins to set planking in place. Pins I mean those modelthings (sorry don't know the English word for it)