AVAILABLE 5 cards of 12 and 1/2 card of 6 NEW O'Donnell OD100's $54.00 each card and yes, $27.00 for 1/2 card. After you claim here first, send me Email at above address so I can acknowledge your bid. Tom Galdys
Vision 21 version 1 RTR. OS 21XM with new P/S and bearings, pipe and mount the Junkers recommended for this boat. There may be slight imperfections but no damage. In D1, they run a NYS series and this has been a 2 time title winner. Great boat and set up just right. $650.00 US and will only ship...
The L is a 12mm diameter shaft, the 13 is a 13mm shaft. one without an L or 13 is an inboard shaft. The bearing in the front plate will be the determining factor. The front plate and bearing will tell all.
SOLD SOLD SOLD 2 NEW K45's each with new additional backplates and rotors, head buttons and head shims, $300.00 each
2 Used K45's great condition smooth and very good condition with additional NEW backplates, head button and head shims $250.00 each
1 LOT of 4 Crankcases, 2 Flywheels, 5 new...