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  1. L

    ONLINE SWAP MEET? bout if i put in a guidelines thread, and part of that says you must make it clear whether items are for trade or cash or both, and for cash you hafta set an amount and sell to the first taker [no bidding, that can be a big waste of time and frustrating for potential buyers!]...
  2. L


    here are the different threads i can think of, just reply with any additional ones you think would be good: -radio gear -starting equipment, fuel, glowplugs, etc. -batteries, chargers, etc. for fast electric -electric motors, ESCs -gas engines -nitro engines -running hardware -props and...
  3. L


    alright how does this sound: we'll set one up THIS COMING WEEKEND [evening of Fri. 19th to Sun. the 24th] in the for sale section, and if it goes really well maybe Tom'll be willing to set up a permanent forum that'll be used on the 1st weekend of each month or so. open to anyone from any site...
  4. L

    Thoughts needed on start rules

    guys, as a soccer ref, i hafta deal with alot of those "discretion" rules.... it sounds like more of a circumstantial thing to me, you might just wanna take a minute to explain that to racers at the pre-race meeting and let them know you'll do the best you can and go from there. my 2 cents! joe
  5. L


    yea maybe we could just raid the "for sale" section and post in there. :P IMO the most important thing is not to have it drag out too long...nobody wants to have people emailing them for a month about this piston and that servo and so on! as soon as we get an okay from Tom i'll put a post in...
  6. L


    kevin- ya im hoping we wont have school! :o i thinking more not this weekend but the would probably take that long just to get the word out and get a forum set up. the sooner Tom Moorehouse sees this the better! ;D anybody have thoughts on including guys from Jim's or Rumrunner...
  7. L


    thats what i was thinkin......if we could get a forum put up ["forum" as in like the "outboard forum" or "for sale forum"] and just have a different post for each type of item...also have a post for everyone to "sign in" with thier name, address, club affiliation, etc. if thier gonna...
  8. L


    well if theres a bunch more people like us three this might work....i just thought of somthin pretty awesome if we could get organized enough to pull it off....howabout a huge swap meet including intlwaters, Jim's RC Boat Dock, and Rum Runner? :o :o :P :) the more the better, more...
  9. L


    Alright, ive come to a point where there are quite a few things in my toolboxes i dont need, and quite a few I would like that I dont have! is anybody else with me on this one? if we set a time when alot of members could get on and post what they have to sell, maybe not even have $$ involved...
  10. L

    WTB/Trade for: glowplugs, paint, servo gears

    hey guys, had a little rubbin' mixed in with the "racing" sunday [servo trouble AKA 2 DNS and one DNF for me :( ] I was luckier than some who's boats were completely totaled, but ive still got some repairs to make. does anybody have any of the following they'd be willing to sell or trade me...
  11. L

    anybody run REDMAX fuel

    search FHS Supply on google to get info on a hardcore Redmax fan, i use 25%, a few drops of ATF oil at the end of the day, and it works very well. Joe
  12. L

    .12 A mono for sale

    i may know someone who's interested.....ill ask him and let you know what he says. Joe
  13. L


    sounds good, will you send me some pics? thanks, Joe
  14. L


    im interested in the MAC much do you want for it alone? Joe
  15. L

    Used MAC .45(Sold)

    Re:Used MAC .45 hey, can you send pics to [email protected]? also, about how many quarts have been run through this engine? thanks, Joe
  16. L

    For Sale- KB 7.5cc Inboard

    hhmmm.....for some reason my PM thing aint workin'.....what's your email addy? [get on AIM when you see me online too, it would be quicker to talk on that] Joe
  17. L

    WTB: starting equipment, radio/reciever, 40-sized engine

    JT1, please send pics to [email protected] also, has it been modified at all? everyone else, still open to offers!
  18. L

    Topic #1000!!!

    oh yea, but i got tha REPLY to the most useless post, which is even more useless............dang this is pointless. Team Rebel/T-Mod Racing [racing? have we gotten there yet?] Joe
  19. L

    For Sale- KB 7.5cc Inboard

    right back atcha homie! ;)
  20. L

    WTB: starting equipment, radio/reciever, 40-sized engine

    just like the title says! :) this stuff is for my cousin, who's getting his first boat. "40 engine" means any .40 or .45 engine that'll replace a KB 7.5.....preferable something like a CMB or Picco. Joe