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  1. Greg Hahn

    nascar gen6

    anything's better than the two car tandem crap! I'd imagine Martin would agree with that :) g
  2. Greg Hahn


    Not a problem Mike, glad I could help and glad to hear your glassing was successful! lot less sanding too!! g
  3. Greg Hahn


    Mike, I have a full card of OS P-4 plugs and 2 P-7 gh
  4. Greg Hahn


    Mike, I have several OS turbos in the tub. when I get home I'll look and let you know if you're interested gh
  5. Greg Hahn

    Date Set for the first annual "Irwin Cup"

    John, I received yours and Jims entries, you're in. When I get through the first bunch I'll set up a class roster and keep you guys posted! Since it got lost in a earlier thread I'll keep a copy of the flyer handy. Irwin cup flyer4.pdf thanks gh
  6. Greg Hahn

    Source for wood to build gas scale

    I get most of my wood for building from Balsa USA..........good prices and quick delivery!
  7. Greg Hahn

    New 40 rigger

    Awsome looking rig Scott!! good luck with it gh
  8. Greg Hahn

    Date Set for the first annual "Irwin Cup"

    be one heck of a party!! LOL is right though.........not enough room but you all would be welcome otherwise! g
  9. Greg Hahn


    Grim just won't admit it!!! Me? I'm heading toward 54 in a hurry.....................built my first boat in 72, first race was an event at "just add water boats" on Indy's east side. Still have my first store bought radio (Kraft gold 78) in my trophy case. (first radio was a Heathkit)! if that...
  10. Greg Hahn

    Date Set for the first annual "Irwin Cup"

    John, good to hear you're making the trip!! yes we're running up to 30cc be safe g
  11. Greg Hahn

    Still Scratchbuilding??

    yes Al we'll have to talk, scratching is the way to go if you have the tools and patients. you can make mods and adjustments as you go to get the detail and outline where you want it. I originally started scratchbuilding because I couldn't afford kits and then sort of got used to it and actually...
  12. Greg Hahn

    Low motivation,.. how do you get yourself back in boat mode?

    I'm with ya on that one! videos are definately a motovator!!!
  13. Greg Hahn

    Low motivation,.. how do you get yourself back in boat mode?

    For me boats are like instant gratification!! I've spent 20+ years building giant RC warbirds from scratch and detailing them down to the cigar in the pilot's mouth with the correct length of ash! Spending 6 months to a year, 6 to 8 hours a day in the shop every day to make a certain contest...
  14. Greg Hahn

    My latest video: Fiberglassing (how to)

    Sam, yes thinning 30 minute will probably degrade the strength a bit but can't tell you how much? I can tell you that 5 or 10 seconds in the microwave will loosen both resin and hardener up enough to make them thin. the only issue with microwave it cuts the pot life from 15 minutes to 10 minutes.
  15. Greg Hahn

    2013 What cha running

    Finally got a pic of them together! the fleet for "2013"
  16. Greg Hahn

    Chat Room

    don't look now but he's back.......................
  17. Greg Hahn

    2013 What cha running

    Nope, Santa showed up with a used RR I've rebuilt and painted. All new hardware, CMB .80s and AB pipes.
  18. Greg Hahn

    2013 What cha running

    havent' built a new boat since "09" so went all out. new scale, new (to me) road runner twin and a gen 3 of my Bandit design B hydro. The new scale has actually been a 2 1/2 year project. g
  19. Greg Hahn

    Scale and Thunder Boat Graphics

    Mike, wow churning out the work! I know the feeling I'm a taxidermist in my winter off time. Deer heads have filled the shop. could I talk you into making a small decal sheet of my trailer logo? 4 each of 2", 3" and 5" thanks gh
  20. Greg Hahn


    definately don't hack it as mikey says but u will want to back the low end needle out flush with the outer barrel. the 9B will bolt right up, no mod needed