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  1. Greg Hahn

    AMA R/C Boat article by Grimracer

    Sorry about that Buck! must have been changed in proof reading?? I just checked on my draft and I had it correct on my photo draft??? Often getting it correct down to the letter isn't easy gh
  2. Greg Hahn

    Need to know

    Walt, sorry that's my was her pay pal before we got married and she's never changed it my bad gh
  3. Greg Hahn

    AMA R/C Boat article by Grimracer

    Boat article link to On line is now up and working:
  4. Greg Hahn

    AMA R/C Boat article by Grimracer

    Guys/Gals, below are the links to the downloadable apps versions. I'll get the online version link as soon as it's up (within the next hour) thanks gh Download the tablet app of Model Aviation for free on the Kindle Fire and Kindle Fire HD...
  5. Greg Hahn

    AMA R/C Boat article by Grimracer

    As soon as the publications dep get it on line I'll post a link so all can see it. It's getting good reviews from the airplane guys! The mag just started hitting news stands and mailboxes yesterday. we'll have the online, Ipad and kindle versions. i'll get the links up asap gh
  6. Greg Hahn

    2013 New Riggers, Let's see um!

    Nice piece Mikey!! I've not seen you run D hydro! g
  7. Greg Hahn

    twin 67 rigger

    (Hobart) that'll be a heck of a twin class this year! Jeff you should get that puppy runnin and make the trip up!! g
  8. Greg Hahn

    2013 New Riggers, Let's see um!

    Ten pounds of stuff in a five pound bag!! Trailer fitted and ready soon as the weather breaks! (and ice)
  9. Greg Hahn

    The 2013 season is here

    Good lookin ride Rick!! I was wondering where my leftover paint went! ;) that color combo looks awsome under clear! makes that met red look an inch deep! probably faster too................ good luck
  10. Greg Hahn

    Date Set for the first annual "Irwin Cup"

    For those whom might have not known, registration is open for the Irwin Cup gh
  11. Greg Hahn

    2013 New Riggers, Let's see um!

    Yea, the Muncie race will be a good one! keep in mind though its my first rodeo with a boat race so I'll do the best I can to show you guys a good time1 g
  12. Greg Hahn

    2013 New Riggers, Let's see um!

    sweet!! I like the CF tub should be quick! nice job gh
  13. Greg Hahn

    Questio about 2.4 ghz radio

    Mark, there's no difference in range from Air to ground radios with Futaba. g
  14. Greg Hahn

    2013 New Riggers, Let's see um!

    Thanks Dick!, yea I wonder where that slick lookin fin came from??? :D beautiful fin my friend!! g
  15. Greg Hahn

    2013 New Riggers, Let's see um!

    Super lookin piece Martin! sounds like it's a rocketship too! congrats g Good luck Thurs and Sun!! get after em!!
  16. Greg Hahn

    2013 New Riggers, Let's see um!

    Anything new for you? I was wanting guys to post pics of their new stuff yea I have a good idea of what I need, but no props anywhere...........been waiting on H-48s for over two months and bag1667s aren't in high demand ! kind of leary of used stuff? I may be wrong but............ Showboat...
  17. Greg Hahn

    2013 New Riggers, Let's see um!

    now that's a rack of um! yea that sickness is rampant on here! doesn't go away easy either!
  18. Greg Hahn

    2013 New Riggers, Let's see um!

    New to me RR twin set up balanced and ready to test! Still needing props though Let's see um, Line em up!
  19. Greg Hahn

    The 2013 season is here

    She's set up balanced and ready to test, can't wait!
  20. Greg Hahn

    Assorted stuff for sale

    Don, # 14 still avail? is it magnetic? g