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  1. twin paint (3)   Copy

    twin paint (3) Copy

  2. twin paint (2)   Copy

    twin paint (2) Copy

  3. twin paint (1)   Copy

    twin paint (1) Copy

    proper use of left over paint and graphics!
  4. Greg Hahn

    Rear Hydro Sponsons

    you guys need to google up the JMPBA (Japan) and take a look at the boats they run. I'm pretty sure the JAE was designed using similar numbers and geometry. You'll notice that as the size and power goes up the boat gets quite a bit longer. Granted they run often in much rougher water than we do...
  5. Greg Hahn

    Comment by 'Greg Hahn' in media 'Bandit G3 5'

    Yup, I really dig that scheme, and just so happens I have plenty of it! my twin will look just like the scale boat with the dots. What can I say.....a matched set of boats!!
  6. Greg Hahn

    Comment by 'Greg Hahn' in media 'RR Twin 4'

    they have baffles if thats what you mean. I put them in all the tanks I build
  7. Bandit G3 5

    Bandit G3 5

  8. Bandit G3 4

    Bandit G3 4

  9. Bandit G3 3

    Bandit G3 3

  10. Bandit G3 2

    Bandit G3 2

  11. Bandit G3 1

    Bandit G3 1

  12. New Bandit G3

    New Bandit G3

  13. Bandit G3

    Bandit G3

    New Bandit G3, slimmer, trimmer, lost 9 oz. smaller foot print
  14. RR Twin 5

    RR Twin 5

    New 20 oz tanks I built while watching RG3 hobble around the field getting mopped up by the Seahawks!
  15. RR Twin 4

    RR Twin 4

    Tub still fill and prime
  16. RR Twin 3

    RR Twin 3

    Engine Fit and new tanks
  17. Road Runner .80 Twin

    Road Runner .80 Twin

  18. RR twin

    RR twin

    Sponsons paint base coat
  19. Miller at Hobart

    Miller at Hobart

  20. Greg Hahn

    Rear Hydro Sponsons

    Dave, before you deepen anymore try moving the CG back (add weight in the rear) and if needed raise the sponson angle of attack. sounds like there's not enough weight in the back to keep the prop hooked up. The boat running a neg. AOA will inherently make the boat light in the rear end. good...