Sad day for freedom in Kanuckistan - Jordan Peterson.


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Pathetic. I really like Jordan Peterson, wicked smart and tends to stay middle of the road when it comes to politics. He has zero tolerance for the gender affirming BS and child mutilations/sterilizations going on and spoke out against it which is the main reason why Trudeau's “social media re-training” henchmen are after him. Canada, now the UK (they are now jailing people over social media postings against their narratives) and soon the US if people keep voting for radical nut jobs. Free speech is disappearing, Orwell had it right he was just 40 years early...................
Our new "Online harms act" Bill C-63 is going to be the law of the land come this fall, following in the UK's footsteps people will be jailed for saying things online the government deems "hateful".

We are fast becoming a communist state here. 😞

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Our new "Online harms act" Bill C-63 is going to be the law of the land come this fall, following in the UK's footsteps people will be jailed for saying things online the government deems "hateful".

We are fast becoming a communist state here. 😞

We're following close behind down here. The 2024 election will be pivotal for the US. The liberal candidate's handlers have her completely side-stepping and dodging the hot-button items that are core freedom's such as the Second Amendment. They are Projecting their failures while in office upon the opposing candidate and completely dodging the other issues. She'll walk up to a podium for 20 minutes and not say anything tangible - she never has, just blabbering non-sensical politically charged rhetoric.
they are now jailing people over social media postings against their narratives
Not quite right, people are being jailed in the UK real quick for inciting riots, people have been jailed from both sides of the debate.

It is damned hard in the UK to get jailed for anything !! Inciting a riot is one of them though. There is a place in London called speakers corner, you can go there and speak to the small audience of listeners and like I said it is damned hard to get arrested.
Not quite right, people are being jailed in the UK real quick for inciting riots, people have been jailed from both sides of the debate.

It is damned hard in the UK to get jailed for anything !! Inciting a riot is one of them though. There is a place in London called speakers corner, you can go there and speak to the small audience of listeners and like I said it is damned hard to get arrested.

Spend a night in jail for calling a horse gay?

If you read the article it was a public order offence, he just happened to swear a lot, even the guy who was arrested said that he had behaved like a prat, the UK remains a very free country where you can very sensibly express yourself in public.

Being arrested and put in jail over night is just part of a legal process, where we are innocent until proved guilty.

Thames Valley Police denied the case was a waste of public money. A spokesman said: "He was arrested for shouting and swearing. We don't arrest people for calling a police horse gay."
We're following close behind down here. The 2024 election will be pivotal for the US. The liberal candidate's handlers have her completely side-stepping and dodging the hot-button items that are core freedom's such as the Second Amendment. They are Projecting their failures while in office upon the opposing candidate and completely dodging the other issues. She'll walk up to a podium for 20 minutes and not say anything tangible - she never has, just blabbering non-sensical politically charged rhetoric.
Their corruption program for 2024 has begun, with more ramping up to follow....indubitably. Obviously, the majority of US voter's are stuck on stupid, thanks to their consumption of MSM propaganda. It is what it is...appears many can't think on their own.

If you read the article it was a public order offence, he just happened to swear a lot, even the guy who was arrested said that he had behaved like a prat, the UK remains a very free country where you can very sensibly express yourself in public.

Being arrested and put in jail over night is just part of a legal process, where we are innocent until proved guilty.

Thames Valley Police denied the case was a waste of public money. A spokesman said: "He was arrested for shouting and swearing. We don't arrest people for calling a police horse gay."

"Thames Valley Police have stood by their decision to take the case to court and said he was warned five times that 'homophobic comments' directed at a police horse had caused offence to passers-by, before being arrested."

Sadly we are following in your footsteps here in Kanuckistan with intentionally vague laws that allow too much "interpretation" by government prosecutors and judges:

Harassment, alarm or distress.​

(1)A person is guilty of an offence if he—

(a)uses threatening [F1or abusive] words or behaviour, or disorderly behaviour, or

(b)displays any writing, sign or other visible representation which is threatening [F1or abusive],

Up to six months in jail for using "abusive words", oh the horror! 🤣
"Thames Valley Police have stood by their decision to take the case to court and said he was warned five times that 'homophobic comments' directed at a police horse had caused offence to passers-by, before being arrested."

Sadly we are following in your footsteps here in Kanuckistan with intentionally vague laws that allow too much "interpretation" by government prosecutors and judges:

Harassment, alarm or distress.​

(1)A person is guilty of an offence if he—

(a)uses threatening [F1or abusive] words or behaviour, or disorderly behaviour, or

(b)displays any writing, sign or other visible representation which is threatening [F1or abusive],

Up to six months in jail for using "abusive words", oh the horror! 🤣

You are only reading what you want to see, remember the guy said he acted like a prat, it did not get to court as if I remember from the article that the CPS (Crown Prosecution Service) did not want to take it to court, the judge would not have taken it very well if this one had got to court, remember it is a multi layered process over here and I reiterate that it is damned difficult to get to court and go to jail. I think I am right in saying that there are two stages to get to court 1st is the Police and 2nd is the Crown Prosecution Service OKing it to go to court, then you are in front of a judge and they are usually pretty reasonable people over here.

You have to be seriously abusive for a period of time after being warned to be had up on the quote that you have posted.

I do know the point that you are trying to make and I don't like it either but the horse case and nor the rioters are the one to drive it home with. Like I said people on both sides of the riots have been banged up ( 2.5 years and already serving the time) and even someone who was in his bedroom but he was stirring the riots up on social media, inciting a riot is a serious offence over here.

We have a right to peaceful protest over here and that is well respected by the authorities.

Of course, I have no idea how this sort of thing is in Canada, probably not to my liking as I struggle to like JT.
I wonder if your government would be able to bring Elon Musk to the UK for prosecution?

No he will duck out of the way and evade justice. He knows that he can get away with just about anything, but these people in government might be spiteful and have a pop at him through other avenues, I don't really care as he was speaking rubbish.

He was being a prat by saying that civil war in the UK is inevitable, it might happen but I doubt it very much.
Ya, two sides to a story for sure but I draw the line when government passes laws that that take away freedom of speech and property rights of their citizens.

There has been a constant attack on our freedoms here under Justin Trudeau and his Liberal/NDP coalition government including the banning of previously legal firearm ownership, online censorship legislation, people being trampled by horses, pepper sprayed and imprisoned for peaceful demonstrations and now this new bill C-63 "online harms act" that can bring you charges (with the associated legal costs etc.) for something you might say online.

When I looked at the current turmoil in your country I saw the laws are very similar to what is being passed here and realized where our current government wants to take us.

Not at all good IMHO. :(
Ya, two sides to a story for sure but I draw the line when government passes laws that that take away freedom of speech and property rights of their citizens.

There has been a constant attack on our freedoms here under Justin Trudeau and his Liberal/NDP coalition government including the banning of previously legal firearm ownership, online censorship legislation, people being trampled by horses, pepper sprayed and imprisoned for peaceful demonstrations and now this new bill C-63 "online harms act" that can bring you charges (with the associated legal costs etc.) for something you might say online.

When I looked at the current turmoil in your country I saw the laws are very similar to what is being passed here and realized where our current government wants to take us.

Not at all good IMHO. :(
There is not much turmoil in the UK, don't believe everything the media say, you should know that better than most.

The nub of it is that someone with mental health problems went crazy and killed three poor kids, then amongst others the Russians stoked it up on social media saying that the guy was an illegal immigrant (he was not, as he was born in Cardiff) then the whole thing kicked off.

I was surprised how quickly it all calmed down to be truthful.

Now lets have a chat about the WEF

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