Between My Favorite Hobbie's,Wife/Boats/Cars/Jeep, it keep's me broke!
Favorite racing Classes,, GAS SPORT HYDRO #1, 1/8th Scale ,Thunder Boat, and soon GAS SCALE
- Birthday
Jan 7, 1963
(Age: 62)
- Location
Flint, mi.
- Yahoo! Messenger
- larcor69
IMPBA 19216 S
The Big D-2
Corey Cheney
DUMAS Sorcerer 40 mono K&B 45
Mlboatworks 7325 Pak ops 67
Dumas competition deep vee 21, ops 29
Dumas DV10 brushless outboard
Dumas Sk Daddle 40 4 stroke??
Dumas 20 Pay n pak K&B 21
Zippkits Cracker box
CANCER SUCK'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!