Recent content by Doug Long


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  1. D

    Paint lifting

    Best advice i can give you is talk with Rick (Floridascaleboater) he has an wealth of knowledge about painting these boats.
  2. D

    Prop Deal

    Bob, do you have any more of these props?
  3. D

    GSX380v2 GSX380 V2 Sport 40 for 2025

    Looks awesome Bradley
  4. D

    Sold Futuba transmitter soft bag

    Ill bring it tomorrow
  5. D

    Sold Futuba transmitter soft bag

    For sale is a new Futuba transmitter soft bag. $15.00 plus shipping.
  6. D

    1/7 scale

    Dan, if it's anything close to your gas sport hydro it's built like a tank.
  7. D

    Sport hydro

    Beautiful boat Dan
  8. D

    2025 Ellison gas outrigger build

    As soon as i get it back from the paint shop I will post a picture of it.
  9. D

    2025 Ellison gas outrigger build

    Big thank you to: Dan Ellison for such a great boat. Rick Bellinger for his turnfin. John Steltzer for the gas tank. Tanks autobody for laying down the clear and painting the cowl and covers.
  10. D

    2025 Ellison gas outrigger build

    Finally found some time to work on the Ellison gas outrigger. I have to finish and paint the cowl and two covers. Finish installing the antenna and on/off switch and this rocket will be ready for the pond.
  11. D

    Parts Wanted ISO - Turn Fin blade & Rudder blade for Mark Grim Gas Rigger

    Try Floridascaleboater, Rick Bellinger. He makes great turnfins. He has made 4 for me so far and they are of excellent quality.
  12. D

    GSX380v2 GSX380 V2 Sport 40 for 2025

    Damn, you do nice work!
  13. D

    Parts Wanted Futaba 4PKS owners manual

    Don, I have ordered the 10px printed manual from Futuba. I will take it to our local print shop and they can convert it to a soft cover book.
  14. D

    Hobbies and Interests

    Pistol shooting with my son. Watching the grandchildren playing sports. And of course working on my boats.