Hi Everyone,
First, I would like to say thank you for your support of the new website. While I have
been inactive from posting on IW, I have kept in contact with quite a few of you here
via emails and PM's here. The site has had over 42,000 hits since it went online on
October 28th. This has pushed the new domain name up to the top of Google and has
eased the transition. While I have not mentioned it, you can also access www.mlboatworksrc.com
by using www.woodrcboatkits.com. I am hoping that name will help guide wood boat
builders to the site.
Second, if you have completed your build, or have cool build pics, feel free
to email them to me at
[email protected], and I will try to add them
to the website under the hull category. I have been receiving a LOT of emails over the last month or two
from GP/SX sport hydro and o/b tunnel racers stating they have been consistently winning
their classes at the club and district level which has been great to hear. Some of them will be competing
at national level events next race season, so I can not wait to hear the news.Please share news with me if you have it!
Any questions or suggestions are always welcome as well via my email address above.
And Finally, I would like to mention some new products on the website, and
coming soon.
1) The 1/8th scale Hydroplane trailer is now finished and ready for cutting.
A lot of people have asked for it for over 2 years, and its finally done. Thanks to
Don Ferrette for his prototype contribution.
2) I was very fortunate recently. John Finch, designer of the 32" Wild Thing
Vee bottom Mono hull has given ML Boatworks rights to create a laser cut
kit! This is a very well known, and tested hull, and should be a great
addition. It will be available as the original 32" Nitro, and then I am
adding a 32" FE, and 36" FE version.
3) I now offer raw, uncut plywood and basswood sticks so Scale Hydroplane
kit customers can add these items to their order to ultimately save on
shipping costs by purchasing all items though one online source.
4) I was contacted by Glenn Quarles of Nova Rossi last month and he is
finalizing the testing on his .12 size "Texan" rigger, and plans to send the
hull to me to make it into a kit form and will be offered on the website.
5) The GSX480 gas sport hydroplane is close to completion and initial
testing. Dick Loeb, Dist 12 IMPBA member, and president of ODMBA in Suffolk,
VA is doing the rigging, and testing. I am finalizing the cowling plug this
week, and should begin the mold process next week. I hope to have this kit
ready for release by the first of the year. There is a build thread over on JRCBD:
6) Anthony Marquart of Charlotte, NC worked with me on 31" Sport Hydroplane
utilizing the ML Boatworks GP cowling/ center section shape, with his own
spin on sponson design. This kit, and the GSX480 both share the first "Truss
System" center section framing. It is truly revolutionary as it allows for a
much wider engine well, and higher overall strength! This kit is now
available in the Sport Hydroplane section, and is built specifically for .21
nitro engines. It is called the AJM21.
I hope you all enjoy your holidays, and hope to talk to you all soon!
Mike Luszcz, ML Boatworks