Vintage Northwind Sutface drive? Thoughts?


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Dec 27, 2015
So here it goes: it seams as thou these days all things that are old are becoming new again. So why not a Old Northwing? You guys have way more stick time with boats, than I do. I bet some of you guys would have run this boats back in the day. So......: How would you set a Old Northwind up today knowing what you know now? Surface drive Sub drive? I have both a 20 and a 40/60 boat, looking to rip up the water.
I would love to see how a surface drive would work on a Northwind.
So here it goes: it seams as thou these days all things that are old are becoming new again. So why not a Old Northwing? You guys have way more stick time with boats, than I do. I bet some of you guys would have run this boats back in the day. So......: How would you set a Old Northwind up today knowing what you know now? Surface drive Sub drive? I have both a 20 and a 40/60 boat, looking to rip up the water.
Joey here is a little History on surface drive vs Sub surface drive......... the early Sub surface drive boat Hulls had bottoms that had a Breaking point 4-5 inches out in front of the CG of the boat cause its props had very different lift properties. Where is the Cg of your boat. it is Exactly in front of the leading edge of the engine flywheel. What is the Breaking point? Put a Straight edge on the bottom of the boat just outside of the keel line.Measure towards the front of the boat hull & mark the spot the hull just begins to sweep towards the nose of the hull & is No Longer flat. This is You breaking point.. On a Sud surface drive boat this was normally 4-5 inches in front of the Cg of that boat. Now the Sub Surface boats came out the Mfgers found out quickly the breaking point only needed to be 2 inchs max in front of the CG of the boat hull. Sooooooo you cannot change the breaking point of the Older boat Hull.... & it will perform Best the Way it was Built & with its Spec prop. Chris Fabbro taught me this many years ago... & the Man built a lot of Hulls in his Day............. & he was very experienced in Hull Tuning and Changing Molds to build a better Boat......

we had a lot of Northwind build up with K&B outbordunit . If you try the same position of the prop like with the outbordunit and give it a light angle down and it will do it.