One of the most shocking and disturbing things I've ever heard or saw.


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Mike Cathey

Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jan 5, 2006
On the Thursday January 24th edition of Tucker Carlson Tonight, he aired a video from Project Veritas of the number 3 guy at Pfizer (whom doesn't know he's being recorded) in a conversation in which he first denies, then discloses that Pfizer is surreptitiously developing new and more potent versions of the Covid virus so that they can create additional vaccines in order for Pfizer to have another cash cow (his words) to make astronomical profits from. He states several times that he wasn't supposed to talk about this research because it's to remain hidden from the public.

The guy doing the recording asks him if the Federal regulators know about this research which is the same illegal gain of function research (they call it managed evolution, but it's the same exact thing) that caused the mutated virus that escaped from the Wuhan lab in China, (BTW this guy has zero doubts that the virus that killed millions was made in this lab), that killed millions, wrecked our economy, had us living under unconstitutional mandates, had states ignoring their own state election laws under the cover of Covid that corrupted the 2020 election and damaged a whole lot of kids by unnecessarily closing schools. The Pfizer guys responds to the question of federal regulators by saying that none of them regulate very much because they are promised high-paying jobs at Pfizer when they leave government service. It makes me sick to my stomach. The Veritas guy also asks this nut if he's worried about what Pfizer is working on could also escape the lab and his response was, "well you have to be careful". If this unstable, silly and over-educated moron is the #3 executive in charge of research at Pfizer, then I don't trust Pfizer's judgement on anything, let alone to keep a deadly virus contained in a lab.

Later in the video the head guy at Project Veritas confronts this guy by showing him the video and he has a 5-alarm meltdown and tries to take the tablet that's got the video on it away from the Veritas guy and smash it on the floor and then goes on to completely unravel by charging around the room and then and proceeds to call the police and tells the cops that he's surrounded by five white guys and he doesn't feel safe. Near as I can tell he's the only lunatic in the room. I don't know if I have ever witnessed a more bizarre spectacle of craziness before, and I drive a city bus for a living. But he's right about one thing, because this guy's life as he knows it, is over. My guess is that Pfizer will fire him as a message to other employees not to talk.

Project Veritas was the organization that blew the whistle on Twitter with these undercover videos that eventually led to Jack Dorsey selling the company to Elon Musk. Speaking of Twitter there's been over 12 millions views of this video which has only appeared on the Tucker Carlson Tonight show. So, it's got a lot of people's attention but has hardly had a chirp from the media.
This shows the total perfidy of the legacy media. Could it be that they value their advertising dollars more than they care about the health of every human being on the planet? Of course it is, and it's all driven by avarice and greed.

I don't know if I have seen anything more disturbing or shocking since I watched the second plane fly into the World Trade Center.

My first reaction after I got my blood pressure under control was to contact House Speaker Kevin McCarthy's office, my senators and congressman and demand an investigation takes place and all this terrifying and illegal research be immediately stopped.

I'm sure somebody is computer savvy enough to post this video here and I'm telling you guys, it will curl your toes.
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yep, seen it, herd it and yet does not shock me. We are no longer in control of the usa. We no longer have the government that works for the people. We now work for the govt. Unless folks realize what is going on nothing is going to change. So continue to wear a mask, get 5 vaccine boosters, and keep 12' from people. Better yet get one of them bubble's that you can go inside and walk around in that.

But make sure al gore fly's across the country to speak about how carbon footprint needs to change and we need to ban fossil fuels.

this country is on it's way to destruction. We can talk about it, we bitch about it but nothing will change.. NOTHING don't care who you vote for it will not. The only way it will is when Jesus decides enough is enough.

my take, don't care what others say.
The problem in this country now are the voters who elect the worst possible candidates. The people that had a chance to better things vote for the same a____holes so as not to change things. This is what we're stuck with. Just look at Brandon's approval rating, how can 40% of the people think he's doing a good job.
I did see that video on Tucker and if that guy is in charge of research, pfizer must be desperate for good people.
Thanks to Mr Cathey, I was able to get the video he was talking about. It seems to work for me, hopefully it will for everyone else:
And you believe the stuff on Fox? Tucker is a moron! You are being fed propaganda and lies...just may opinion,
Let me get this straight. Your concern is that because you don't like the guy showing the video from Project Veritas that it isn't true? So are you saying that you are more concerned about who airs this abomination, rather than the content of it? Jordan Walker is a real person listed as an executive on Pfizer's own website.

It's got enough people concerned that Senator Marco Rubio has sent a letter to Pfizer demanding answers and asking all the right questions. The letter can be found online at his office's website.
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Well...if Marco Rubio is on the case...then it must be true! Tucker finds nut jobs to interview. As said earlier, Pfizer will probably fire this guy...not for spilling the beans, but for being the nut job he obviously is. I am sure Jordan Walker is an executive with Pfizer...but probably not for long. Not only do I not like Tucker, I despise everything he stands for, and for all of the conspiracy crap he spews. Again..just my opinion.
Not only do I not like Tucker, I despise everything he stands for, and for all of the conspiracy crap he spews. Again..just my opinion.
First off, I'm not a fan of Tucker Carlson either. I personally find him to be an arrogant, self-righteous jerk.
With that said, however, he does what the mainstream media doesn't; he reports the stories the mainstream media won't. He gets people to think about what he's reporting and, more importantly, talk about it. Isn't that what a journalist is supposed to do?
First off, I'm not a fan of Tucker Carlson either. I personally find him to be an arrogant, self-righteous jerk.
With that said, however, he does what the mainstream media doesn't; he reports the stories the mainstream media won't. He gets people to think about what he's reporting and, more importantly, talk about it. Isn't that what a journalist is supposed to do?

My dad used to say, "There's nothing worse than a prick when he's right." I have very often found that, when someone doesn't like the thrust of someone's statement, but cannot break the truth of it, they find them "arrogant".

Personally, I like Tucker, because he says it like it is, feelings be damned. He's advertised as an opinion editor, but it's damned difficult to find a non-factual statement in his commentary.

Thanks. Brad.
Titan Racing Components
BlackJack Hydros
Model Machine and Precision LLC
Brad, I totally agree with you. Maybe I should have been a little more specific with what I do and don't like about Tucker.
What I do like is he covers the things that the mainstream media won't, as I said above. He presents the facts and lets you decide on how you want to take them.
What I don't like is when he starts acting like things are a joke. His forced and fake "laugh", for one, isn't needed and takes away from his credibility. When I compare him to Sean Hannity or Jesse Watters, I have to say that I'd rather watch either Jesse Watters or Sean Hannity for that very reason. Hope that makes sense
yep, seen it, herd it and yet does not shock me. We are no longer in control of the usa. We no longer have the government that works for the people. We now work for the govt. Unless folks realize what is going on nothing is going to change. So continue to wear a mask, get 5 vaccine boosters, and keep 12' from people. Better yet get one of them bubble's that you can go inside and walk around in that.

But make sure al gore fly's across the country to speak about how carbon footprint needs to change and we need to ban fossil fuels.

this country is on it's way to destruction. We can talk about it, we ***** about it but nothing will change.. NOTHING don't care who you vote for it will not. The only way it will is when Jesus decides enough is enough.

my take, don't care what others say.

Let me get this straight. Your concern is that because you don't like the guy showing the video from Project Veritas that it isn't true? So are you saying that you are more concerned about who airs this abomination, rather than the content of it? Jordan Walker is a real person listed as an executive on Pfizer's own website.

It's got enough people concerned that Senator Marco Rubio has sent a letter to Pfizer demanding answers and asking all the right questions. The letter can be found online at his office's website.

Well, let's face it... leftists can't see beyond the end of their own noses...even Pinocchio noses. #FACTLY
Brad, I totally agree with you. Maybe I should have been a little more specific with what I do and don't like about Tucker.
What I do like is he covers the things that the mainstream media won't, as I said above. He presents the facts and lets you decide on how you want to take them.
What I don't like is when he starts acting like things are a joke. His forced and fake "laugh", for one, isn't needed and takes away from his credibility. When I compare him to Sean Hannity or Jesse Watters, I have to say that I'd rather watch either Jesse Watters or Sean Hannity for that very reason. Hope that makes sense

Sometimes, things are so incredibly ridiculous, all you can do it laugh. Even if it's forced.

FWIW, I didn't think we were too far apart.

Thanks. Brad.
Titan Racing Components
BlackJack Hydros
Model Machine and Precision LLC
what people need to realize is that Tucker, Hanity, and all the others don't REPORT the news they SELL the news, all of the news agency's SELL the news or what they want you to believe is the news, old school journalism is dead and gone.

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